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...promoting, nurturing, and protecting human capital.

Friday, November 9, 2012

natural gas conversion kits

hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members.  our global energy complex sits on the verge of a cambrian explosion.  we will leave our industrial age cocoon and shed its poisonously greedy mindset.

the rapidly evolving natural gas industry remains an incredibly profitable long term play; sure, henry hub natural gas prices remain depressed relative to liquid petroleum.  you might as well look at the long term futures market for a clue about the market's perception about future prices.  prices do not materially rise until 2020 and then peter off in 2022.  what?  that perception does not make sense considering its sheer abundance among many, many multi-faceted extraction environments.

...necesitamos un mentalidad contrarian mis amigos...

remember the whale oil tale back in the 1850's and 1860's.  liquid petroleum eclipsed whale oil technology as supreme within a decade.  since our world moves much faster than it did back in the 1860's, you may as well compress a substitute good replacement time-frame.  imagine the plausibility behind natural gas eclipsing liquid petroleum as a travel fuel source; without naming names, some energy companies remain so committed to liquid petroleum that it makes you wonder, "who benefits from a divided, conflicted, and tumultuous middle east, and why?"  who will come out and meaningfully calculate the middle eastern death premium in liquid petroleum?  why double down on suffering?

natural gas does not just have to come out of a permian rock or mid-continent mountain formation.  it can come from overflowing landfills, sewage systems, and cooperative animal husbandry...we do not have to just rely on fossil fuel natural gas; in fact, we should capture the natural gas fissures already provided by the earth, such as in undersea environments.  the fossil fuel natural gas industry must evolve beyond its industrial age mindset, evolve, and cooperatively benefit our entire global humanity, or step aside; if not, it will probably meet a similar demise as its liquid petroleum cousin.

who will consider distributing liquid natural gas as an alternative to gasoline?  gasoline vehicles can drive on liquid natural gas with a minor conversion process; sure, you must invest significant money into the process, which could run on the order of 6,000 to 10,000.  you probably invest in worthwhile things anyway, so why would it become a leap of faith to use your financial resources to tap an abundant resource?

as a business opportunity, why not invest in the conversion and lease out vehicles within an urban environment?  who needs a personal car anyway?  that lifestyle remains way overrated by marketing hipsters and saggy cheeked global megacorporate executives.

humans will always create some waste and will demand energy.  why not recycle the energy sources?  we can do better than the status quo.  more consumers within the conversion kit market will drive down its prices.  its market will innovate towards efficiency and effectiveness, since you can burn nearly all natural gasses cleanly with well executed exhaust scrubbing systems.

let us quickly examine a natural gas conversion kit system.  you not only provide conversion maintenance service onsite, but you also begin reselling a few natural gas vehicles for profit within the same building.  housing a liquid natural gas filling station will create vehicular traffic and enable more repeat business.

as an added bonus, your participation within the filling station client membership automatically comps you a personal lounge and discounted use of the facility's tavern.  an austrian beerhouse with mexican polka would probably fit the bill in my case, but you can always choose an equally appropriate theme.

so, why not engineer and sell natural gas conversion kits?  who will ride the next technology wave and become the next sir richard branson?  

let me know what you think about the idea...more to follow.  enjoy a meaningful weekend!

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