mission statement

...promoting, nurturing, and protecting human capital.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

your own power grid

hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members.  you can create your own power grid and harness your own human capital.  seizing this moment will positively improve our collective energy, ethos, and love while boosting impact far, far beyond our lifespans.

catalyze change.  put your own self-interests aside and into context.  subjugate them for our collective success.  humanity deserves better.

money, power, and greed pollute our reality.  its pollution remains so egregious that you often wonder whether some design in the background creates intentional distortion and social chaos.  who knows?

comparing answers from a personal questioning session in 2008 to revised thoughts in 2013 revealed some interesting differences:

a) what are my natural talents?

2013 answer - teaching, public speaking
2008 answer - writing, thinking, feeling, forecasting

b) what do i want out of a career?

2013 answer - do not want a career for a career sake, want abundance and lack of worry
2008 answer - independence, creativity, quality of life, ambiguity, travel

c) how can i deliver it?

2013 answer - produce food, provide quality counseling and consultation, love
2008 answer - my own way [big tip and the source of my current quest], technology, support system

d) what do i think is worthwhile?

2013 answer - food, love, and community
2008 answer - learning

e) why do i want what i want?

2013 answer - enjoy sharing rewards with friends and family
2008 answer - n/a

...look within yourself...