...we must present an alternative good life rather than a socially enforced "automatic" transmission experience. demand your right to craft your life's user-defined transmission experience. you will appreciate controlling the shifting process more than letting the world fold around you automatically.
how do we downshift our collective mindset, redefine our social contract, and get back to our fundamental human desires? our frenetic pace with self-defeating multitask objectives has torn our attention away from our social contract with fellow humans. we have become uncomfortably self-absorbed, straying far away from meaningful human discourse; moreover, collective greed has dissolved much of the remaining fabric with our social contract's tapestry.
where do we sense our own being and feel fulfilled doing what we do on a daily basis? much political rhetoric abounds between the feuding american plutocratic political parties. rather than face the fact that the industrialized economies remain mired in structural unemployment, politicos would rather misplace blame. we can thank many forces: corporate america, fiend politicos, technological change, the disintegration of the tribal / family unit, overtly reckless monetary policy, mercantilist national objectives, and other broad social changes.
needless to say, rather than blame, we should take steps towards addressing marginalization and eliminating our zero-sum game. our collective ability to manage destabilizing but potentially bountiful social forces such as technological change requires a different approach. we cannot apply the same old industrial age technological mindset to the developing information age. society must not accept economic starvation and social humiliation.
how do we assess our true meaning and impact in our highly personal but social consciousness? we must reevaluate our tribal and family unit's worth and maintain trust with other tribal and family units. global conflicts not only thrive on greed but also on unstable tribal and family relationships.
as a common developmental experience, a child comes into the world, and she begins to recognize herself and identify her own family unit. too often, many children do not make the connection to a family unit, due to war, famine, plague, or socially engineered and rigged policies. we have, and have had, too many young black american children falling into this basic human need deficiency.
she recognizes her tribe beyond her family unit, ultimately bringing in global human life. true enlightenment begins accelerating when she sees beyond geographic borders and human life, making biological and plant life equally sacrosanct. we cannot achieve mutual success when we degrade our planetary home; tragically, after we ultimately overpopulate and pollute earth, moving to other planets will not cure our separation or control our dysfunctional social-psychological issues.
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go son...build into the mountain gently but firmly! |
- what lessons do we teach about success?
- how do we frame success mentally?
- where can we redefine success?
- why redefine success?
- who will redefine success?
- when can we start redefining success collectively?
structuring the good life does not appear elusive considering the global challenges presented by greed, self-absorption, and our decaying social contract. the following concepts will push forward progress, counteracting collective social decline:
a) creating cooperative urban gardens with walking plazas
unfortunately for my fellow americans, shopping strip-malls called plazas do not count towards this definition. modern urban society has grown up uncomfortably detached from its food sources and the meaningful human interactions built up around providing food. food does not just come from our supermarket mega-corporations.
clean green-space with walking plazas off urban gardens may solve this man-made dilemma. raising edible and cash crops within open, infield lots and abandoned warehouse space provides utility for otherwise unused space. warehouse space could accommodate massive water collection systems, seed storage, and hydroponic crop environments; moreover, marginalized groups such as the working poor, the chronically unemployed, and the homeless may also have a shot at social integration, helping grow society's crops for food and medical access in a rehabilitative environment.
we could push the envelope and grow medicinal herbs in our community urban gardens. scientific evidence has begun showing that the pharmaceutical molecular engineers generally miss the boat compared to naturally grown sources; case in point, rather than giving a whole deluge of toxic pills to chemotherapy patients, why not treat pain and physical nausea with medicinal marijuana? surely, we can, and should, utilize homegrown remedies garnered over many years of human experience without fear of reprisal from scheming politicos. nature made it, so why reject it as false?
we could feed and heal our community, generate cash flow among cooperative participants, and integrate the marginalized into our communities.
b) ending political and economic social control
we will have difficulties improving our collective human condition and redefining our social contract under the status quo. xenophobia, homosexual crusades, futile drug wars, mercantilist economic policies, prison profiteering, and white collar crime siphons off precious economic resources. our children must know tolerance through parental and societal leader actions, restraining corporate, tribal, and governmental tyranny.
creating artificial constraints, such as geographic borders, farm subsidies, and black markets, only creates more conflict. please fellow humans, live and let live...
c) facilitating pension cooperatives
aging and disabled humans deserve respect and care. our forced pension systems through byzantine federal, state, municipal, and corporate bureaucracies relies excessively on an arcane tax code and unequal intent. why make it so difficult to plan for those who worry about outliving their income and managing uninsured healthcare expenses? do we need two or more governmental agencies and two or more corporate interests supervising every healthcare "transaction" ad nauseum?
long term thinking over the last 200 years has helped developed solid asset / liability management principles and robust risk management systems; however, we have not used enough common sense or integrity in the equation. governmental "regulators" and multinational mega-corporations amplify the situation beyond overload with unequally engineered policies that socialize financial risk and privatize public profit.
arbitrary market entry barriers preclude high quality service options for financial, resource, and human capital management resources. why create consumer choice when we can cloak market competition and progressive options with outright economic plutocracy? this late industrial age idea from the progressive movement fails considerably for consumers but creates economic rent for the top end of the bureaucratic pyramid.
in that same vein, progressive ideology missed the mark as well with its psychotic eugenics philosophy. nazi war criminals learned much from north carolina's enforcers who dehumanized the mountain poor with high technology social cleansing methods. so, with this horror in mind, why trust the progressive philosophy? does it cover as a front for totalitarian forces?
the question belies the energy necessary to vet out the answer. let global citizens rise up on their own and take care of their elderly and disabled citizenry through privately organized, transparent, and ethical pension cooperatives. trust me, we can do better than the status quo.
d) establishing food and water cooperatives
our long term human survival revolves around consistent food and water sources. without protection from marauding warlords or exclusionary bureaucratic police forces, food and water cultivation becomes rather difficult. take the ethiopian and south african experience as examples in point.
ethiopia has always had its own coptic empire aspirations but lacks clear access to the coast as well as clear leadership. feuding warlords and imperial forces have fed some well at the exclusion of many, many humans who starved to death. will never forget my experience as a five year old in 1984 watching my own proverbial brothers and sisters perish via television over the olympics...why continue armed conflict in this manner and brush it away under the table?
the south african platinum miner clashes underscore exclusionary bureaucratic police tactics. why would you have striking miners show up with crude weaponry and angry energy? how did it come to pass that police enforcers mowed down striking miners? we must look at both sides of the equation and understand that protracted warfare and brutal employer / employee relationships do not help our food and water supply.
employers and employees must balance total ownership in our new information age. yes, refusing employee ownership remains an individual or corporate choice, but why meet it with pain of death? platinum does not power the human soul, only universal love.
without force, and yes, cooperatively, we can gather around resources equitably and in due fashion; however, military arm sales greed, nationalistic pride, and social psychosis stymie that effort. we have had the technology over the last 10,000 years and the ability to manage both food and water resource capital sources.
time to stop dealing with the profiteering white-collar plutocrats and their shoddy business, political, and social models. tolerance, transparency, and integrity will go a long way concerning this matter.
e) enabling education cooperatives
we must abandon the winner take all approach to education financing and delivery. a well-rounded educational system focuses on ethics and reason, far removed from the test-score madness promulgated by business executives and politicos. why do we need to compete with the chinese for a superior military industrial complex when we can accomplish much more? our societal leaders have undermined our educational system for exclusionary profit with some help from the federal reserve and misallocated capital resources.
we do not need corporate or military automatons; on the contrary, we must demand more independent minds, a stronger grammar school slant, and an internal ability to think on your own. why exclusively direct energy to the university systems and its cronyism + financial profit when we should focus on our children and let love blossom within our children's hearts? this process takes a lifetime with a proper foundation set in preschool and even in utero.
our global structural unemployment conundrum will not dissipate with additional global financial market wizardry. why subsidize future speculative financial market bombs while punishing our collective future wherewithal? we must plow more money and reinvest social proceeds into quality education, not save banks' profits but to manage collective human financial misery!
watch people...federal reserve wizardry doing its thing via manipulating long term interest rates [operation twist], vainly trying to revive the 1961 magic hat trick. check it out via the san francisco bank's research: http://www.frbsf.org/publications/economics/letter/2011/el2011-13.html. tested safe link on 9/12/2012 at 7:40pm cdt.
it appears sadly ironic watching "well-educated" technocrats intentionally miss underlying structural unemployment for privatized gain off socialized risk management! socializing risk in this manner adds injury to insult without equal profit sharing, such as equity owner or educational funding dividend checks. why should my financial resources invest in a public project without equal profit opportunities? moreover, how can anyone justify equality in lending out money freely to banks via interest free short term money rates at 0%, turning around and paying 12.50% on the same money from my own pocket? how does this economic gerrymandering benefit our educational resources and our next several generations? it does not benefit our global society.
we must cease working with this socialized racket orchestrated by extrajudicial multinational banking conglomerates. we will blueprint educational systems that teach children to see inequity in our plutocratic system. we will even empower them to tear it down equitably, judiciously, and fairly. sending more and more minds into business schools lacking without an ethical foundation misses the point entirely. we will counteract that trend.
opt out of the current educational system and create your own educational ecosystem laser focused on ethics and reason. global humanity will appreciate it, and our great, great grandchildren will reap the benefits many times over.
downshift from the path to ruin, cultivate a conscientious mindset, create an enjoyable day, and blueprint your own destiny!
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