hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members. after expounding deep thought over the last blogpost, we must further probe a critical statement:
let global citizens rise up on their own and take care of their elderly and disabled citizenry through privately organized, transparent, and ethical pension cooperatives.
organized human society has made considerable progress with developing and implementing pension ecosystems over the years; moreover, historians trace back the pension's lineage to the medieval western experience with many
historical cycles. check out the london-based pensions archive trust's
website on medieval pensions [search out the pension employed by king charles ii for barbara palmer aka lady castlemain, his beloved mistress]. a safe link dated 10/25/2012 providing access:
pensions have always served to accomplish two human desires: a) prevent outliving income and b) satisfy uninsured healthcare expenses. highly effective pension design integrates asset returns with nimble strategic liability management. liabilities run the gamut from income taxes to inadequate non-healthcare related expense coverage to protracted hospitalization due to accidental trauma.
our current pension system heavily focuses on asset returns and taxes while begrudgingly and clumsily managing future cash flow consistency and healthcare financing. acknowledging this flaw helps push the pension design process envelope.
pension design must balance personal asset / liability management with voluntarily pooled social resources. imbalanced management processes do not work well, especially with involuntarily pooled social resources and ethically bankrupt accountability systems.
we must coordinate cooperatively to develop a voluntary community health savings fund system.
the voluntary community ecosystem would uniquely serve as an individual's pension without needing federal government largesse or a fickle employer model; but, you may ask, "who will provide the infrastructure supporting your so-called brave new pension system?"
other questions come to mind as well:
- what is effective, ineffective, and just plain wrong with the pension status quo?
- how can we fundamentally summon a collective tidal wave against unequal economic, social, and political justice meted out by corrupt washington and brussels technocrats and their intergalactic financier syndicates?
- why should anyone care about the helpless and the weak?
- where can we draw a line between inequity and passive acceptance?
consider building our foundational financial capital around a health savings account system.
individuals, families, and companies whom consume high deductible medical plan banking services tend to understand liability management and cash reserve creation. a voluntary robust savings system creates a fundamental cash reservoir against future unexpected healthcare expenses; as a positive but unnecessary federal government incentive, people over age 65 can withdraw funds without incurring a non-medical penalty.
...your income tax implications remain relative to your own taxpayer situation. please
consult with a cpa if in doubt or call me so we can find a suitable one together. you should never hesitate against hiring competent independent financial contractors as necessary. consider mine.
financial managers seeking a robust funding source would target hsa funding as a core funding source beyond initial capitalization. using or not using the federal reserve system should remain the community's choice. the fdic, the ncua, and its morally hazardous ways have no moral high point.
our beautifully unaccountable central banking system underscores our pension woes. a classic capitalist moral hazard plays out time and again. zombie companies do not provide a solid foundation, and also incidentally, do not fit into a capitalist system. they fit more cleanly within a rapacious plutocracy.
envisioning and blueprinting your community health savings trust, you should focus on the core elements of a pension cooperative:
a) unlimited private party designation choices
the american business and government pension crisis underscores how poorly multicultural, ultra-competitive societies coordinate significantly complex social dynamics, such as facilitating personal pension growth. why do you need a certain tax code number linked up with a certain corporate legal body? the intentional incoherence behind the pension delivery channel only keeps certain professionals in business.
we must dismantle our overly restrictive bureaucratic framework. from disassembling unaccountable, pyramidal pension frameworks, we must empower private pension cooperatives. other than outright social control, why should our federal or state system have so much control over private dollars concerning your own private, personal matters?
why do we have to fight over government money and use arbitrary taxation as a political weapon of mass deprivation? taxation has become a political weapon of mass enrichment for a select few. it facilitates a brutal zero sum game worthy of sun tzu, who would probably still blush at its rapacity.
when will we have the ability to roll out our social security money into our own traditional ira or take a check? how about rolling my medicare into my own health savings account?
you can create your own social safety net with your own needs in mind...imagine offering yourself a pension with current benefits that make sense to you...we can achieve it.
b) unequivocally transparent
many people outside the financial services industry world maintain disdain over the industry. we have growing hordes of financiers, greasy politicos, and robotic technocrats seeking absolute riches at the least dollar cost to them. socially engineering society's safety net around socializing risk and privatizing profits clearly does not benefit all stakeholders.
please take a look at the fannie mae criminal prosecution dismissal posting [safe link on 10/25/2012]:
why did the judicial system not let the pinnacle element within the criminal mortgage ripoff at least get a complete trial? our unaccountable financial system players, such as fannie mae and the federal reserve, remain an economic impediment, hobbling a properly functioning financial system. this strategy does not build up confidence in a pension ecosystem demanding fiduciary care.
to all "greed is good" schmoes and common thieves, cheating does not equal success or even a place in our meritocracy. if greed is truly acceptable in your opinion, consider ethics courses as well as yoga, meditation, and possibly psychoanalysis. let me know how it goes, especially the byzantine psychoanalysis.
core pension assumptions revolve around longevity, morbidity, money rates, asset rate of return, liability growth rates, and future claims estimation; unfortunately, actuaries remain shrouded within the wizard's palatial hut, cranking out esoteric math while chiefing away day by day.
financial wizardry does not calm the nerves and barely begets trust. we must simplify the assumptions and discuss them openly. transparency breeds ethically balanced success.
your pension ecosystem must operate in a decentralized organizational environment. all employed workers, including senior management, must have 360 reviews and post all compensation online. if senior management has a problem revealing compensation relative to fellow "rank and file" workers, why? where do think union organization aspirations come from? how can you engender a positive working environment that efficiently and effectively addresses its purpose without relying on an industrial age resource capital mindset?
health savings accounts and long term care insurance serve as a solid foundation behind a robust pension scheme. you cannot adequately manage your assets and liabilities focusing on wall street's mantras. asset return alone will not help you manage outliving your income and paying uninsured healthcare expenses.
allocate towards your off-balance sheet liabilities...prepare against health decline and dementia mentally, psychologically, physically, spiritually, and yes, financially.
well taken care of...who knows without asking her? |
c) unabashedly ethical
the organizing financiers behind governmental and employer pensions have absconded on integrity, and ethical principles have fallen by the wayside. we have become beholden to crooks and predatory profiteers hiding behind personal nothingness.
the social security and corporate pension crisis has unfolded not since our prior few presidents but over the last 50 years. we have fallen asleep on our core asset / liability management assumptions.
getting above average financial capital returns at any price became desirable beyond the initial intention behind the pension system.
remember the pension raider talk behind a hostile corporate takeover during "wall street," yes - the original one, for the pension cash.
when did the pension side of ford motor, ancient airlines, or general motors hold strategic sessions with the senior management system backstopping their non-executive employer-based pension system? even if the pension team had a major role, they must have absconded on their fiduciary role when doubling down on gas guzzlers with low gasoline prices. did they not see that gasoline prices would not stay low forever based on prior price and volume volatility?
excluding maternity care within any medical plan will always remain unethical. why does a insurance carrier or a government setup a major disincentive to a growing family with individual medical insurance? who gave them the fundamental right to warp and manipulate human social patterns?
...apparently, you must work in a corporation or own a corporation to get adequate medical coverage and beget children.
thank you washington and brussels for enabling a corrupt, morally bankrupt zombie banking and corporate system. my great-great-great granddaughter appreciates it. who will join me and others against this morally bankrupt financial corruption?
stop participating in their house first and foremost.
d) adamantly original
modern financial + health wellness programs manage not only major medical care but also address mental, physical, spiritual, and psychological concerns.
pure yoga activities, gym benefits, swim lessons, social club organizations, mental therapy, and meditation remain cornerstones around balanced living.
why not create physician access through retainer-based concierge medicine? who desires stymieing a cooperative community health savings trust fund? results oriented people will find similar talent and address the challenges with brutal honesty and deliberate thought. look at silicon valley as a good example with its transformational collective mindset focused on innovative change.
maybe, the brooklyn healthcare system supported by the freelancers union will push the boundaries and expand across the nation...acupuncture therapy works better than resusitating someone from molecular manipulation and pharmaceutical poisoning.
aside from traditional and nontraditional mind, body, and spirit benefits, your membership should purchase time with your own concierge financial counselor. we should look at our obsession with financial and resource capital as something worth tempering down, so we can focus on building our human capital.
our own human capital will build community health savings trust funds. financial and resource capital only follow in line, never forget that. let's get to work...