mission statement

...promoting, nurturing, and protecting human capital.

Friday, January 11, 2013

humanity + clarity + courage

hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members.  do you actually own human capital?  how do you dutifully manage human capital in light of a perceived ownership stake?  who gave you unfettered economic, social, and political ownership over another person's life direction, dreams, and aspirations?

we have reached a profound shift within the fabric of our collective subconsciousness.  the mind below the surface within the nonlocal will begin influencing society beyond known scope.  a new society will sprout from our old society's necrotic toxic soup of souls.

mortar shells and drone missiles will no longer consume 2 year old intestines.  torture guards will no longer dissolve fictitious terrorists in battery acid.  corporations will no longer veil metastasized greed with high fructose corn syrup, gps tracking, or radioactive tobacco.

...listen to this song dubbed at infinitely separate 60 second increments...wild wild my friends..

a good friend of mine named john gabryel moreno, do, exemplified a true example of our collective future.  during raging cancerous illness, he complimented me on my wife and son as well as owning my own business, even after insulting his socioeconomic class in high school in a blind, psychologically intoxicated rage.  he did not know that my own business has its own uncomfortable financial debts, and he never lived to see kelly and me divorce over our own differences.

truth told, he far outpaced me in this conscious world up to his life's end.  he became a physician excelling in his residency by the age of 33.  you did well in this reality and into beyond john!

dropping old emotions off the bridge, we bonded during his death ceremony and discussed healing prayers said in my episcopal sanctuary.  felt a transcendentally warm energy flow coursing through my circulatory system while intently praying for his healing.  he thanked me, truly knowing that he absorbed my energy, and we made peace.  the kind of peace that passes all earthly understanding.

...he left this consciousness several months later.

did he really leave us as people dogmatically assume?  where did his soul energy go?  will it touch my great-great-great grandchildren's lives?  will he meet zoroaster, abraham, vedic scribes, jesus, and/or muhammad among the stars?  will he become a little girl or a dolphin born moments after his own body's death?  his energy is alive but unfortunately unaccounted for in our narrow way of examining the unknown.

john never left our universe.  you touched me with your energy and have begun awakening the gentler, more patient me.  that challenge will take much work my friend, but you proved it can happen under even the most pernicious and painful period in your life.

he transcended this current reality but has not left our collective subconsciousness.  no, not at all, his soul energy will continue to improve our own energy.  much like the young syrian 2yr old taken away by raining syrian artillery death, he will improve our substance if we listen to his energy.

we must forgive our fratricide and make this a much more peaceful world, into this life and into all the other lives.  the little syrian toddler's story will remain with me forever.

you can become an architect of your own life.  we must know how to not only reap but also how to sow, and yes, you can create profit in a non-zero sum game environment.  dog eat dog died with the industrial age and does not deserve its worshiped status within the information age mindset.

tribe walkers fund and absorb talent while creating centers of learning.  responsible, creative, and innovative minds not only believe in human capital but support it with investment dollars.

we have structural unemployment without spending investment dollars on human capital.  investing too heavily in resource and financial capital crushes the collective human ethos.  reallocate your investment into your own human capital potential.

ancient chinese wise men mull whether if you believe for one day and doubt for ten, or if you are diligent in the mornings and not at night, will you eventually veer from gradual development planting quality habits?  what habits do you define as quality?  how do you ascertain quality?  why seek quality?  who will pursue and perfect quality?

...setting up quality habits will remain a challenge.

send forth cleanliness in your soul energy.  improve your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren's souls with pure goodness that transcends consciousness.  your thoughts, language, energy, spirit, and mind always interact and participate in the universe's future reality.

implement the following concepts in your world to alter our collective future reality:

  • create consumer free choice with open borders and geographically gnostic trade.  open borders facilitate trade and prosperity.  why do we usurp economic freedom with mercantilist barriers?  
  • renounce greed and material wealth; as an example, your average large corporation executive in the 1950's usually made less than 50x's the managed employees.  please add at least one to two zeros on the old example and push it out as far as you can to another zero.  making 9,000 times your average managed employee supports criminal plutocratic interests. 
  • warm up inter-tribal unit relations.  we cannot get much done with a democrat vs. republican or israeli vs. palestinian or persians vs. kurds mindset.  collective annihilation remains a turn off for my unborn great-great grandchildren and uproductive for us all.
  • practice tolerance.  we do not have to elaborate more on this subject since tolerance requires acceptance and human love; however, both remain scarce in today's psychological wasteland.  you have to practice what you should preach about brotherly love, and it takes considerable work.  work that only you can accomplish supported by a cooperative, loving environment.  
  • awaken your medieval belief in magic.  take note, you do not have to burn women alive or disfigure anyone.  science + magic + religion = transcendence.  just ask the abbot trithemius of sponheim.  carrying messages instantaneously...through the agency of the stars and planets who rule time.
  • demand a gentler, much more personal environment.   loud noises, heavy industry, pollution, sterile food, water scarcity, and paramilitary police degrade human life.  why not tap common walking areas with mixed usage living and working space, common parks, light rail, plentiful and clean water, simple technology, and food cooperatives?  health + ambiance = wealth.  
  • draw from the ancients.  we can remain light on our earth.  develop paddle wheels and implement mixed usage space that catches and collects water.  
  • develop a home-schooling cooperative with a foundation in intellectual, artistic, athletic, and emotional development.  schooling has become a tool for plutocrats and fascists and has quite frankly become dangerous.  just ask people in pakistan and in connecticut.  we must teach kids how to think on their own and love learning through personal enrichment.  
  • learn yourself through your spine.  channel your chakras, open your heart, and let the universe fill you with unspeakably beautiful energy.  tap into the nonlocal and mystical.
  • institute a healthcare cooperative with community gardens, water collection, a food coop, meditation sanctuaries, preventative medical care, and naturopathic medicine.  we can improve our quality of life without overly focusing on pharmaceutical or robotic surgical mastery.  
  • channel positive energy towards your clients and think good thoughts about them.  pouring your energy into your work will improve your emotional environment.  
...get started friends...let me know how it goes and enjoy my tweets.  

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