hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members. much intense financial service industry focus remains affixed on the baby boomer crowd and their aging parents; however, financial wellness professionals should begin building up echo boomer reserves and not just in the mundane and traditional 401(k) sense. integrating health + financial wellness will optimize your lifestyle choice, and most plausibly, will improve your own personal and professional happiness prospects.
we should start out our discussion with the idea that our economic system has endured several structurally tectonic socioeconomic changes to say the least. rapid immigration, absurdly low benchmark central bank rates, cybernetic units, unchecked corporate and plutocratic greed, chinese automatons, corporate amero-roman senators with personal lictors, and certainly, welcome technological change have all combined to unfortunately raise the structural unemployment dead; often, qualified people cannot find work meeting prior technical or experiential training.
any future recovery may not necessarily lift all boats evenly, and quite possibly, may amplify social unrest. this situation sounds dire; however, you will capitalize on this time to retool your human capital and take some cover...
so, what will you control within your own world? why trust a political economic system that sees human suffering as a necessary evil and as a justifiable means in the pursuit of massive personal fortunes or cheap, disposable goods? who says you will fight the corrupt political economic system head on? why not take a more forceful approach, shuck and jive, and leapfrog this consumption plague to your family's benefit over many, many generations?
you can do your part by considering the following tactics within your own intergenerational strategy:
a) invest in your own human capital
our structural unemployment system has created significant business opportunities within agriculture, textiles, and other goods /services taken for granted after the finance graduate boom. you will finally have a chance to make something meaningful and valuable with your own hands as well as your intellect...about time...
for the record, my tulane finance studies blended with my liberal arts education has gone the distance. it just did not teach me how to fix plumbing, how to braise a lamb shank, or how to skin a recently killed deer. my wife says that my father failed me on that account; yeah right, try telling that to a white bearded, accolade-laden robotic gynecological surgeon.
too often, academia has overly emphasized intellect over practicality. who wants to depend on food trucks getting to a sterile grocery store? why hire someone to take a chance on your major household repair that ultimately you could do with family? you will create your own family institute that will teach more than a book or a university professor.
learn to grow many different foods and prepare meals as if your last breath would leave any time after eating that meal. create your own compost. herd some sheep or goats with some chickens.
you do not have to follow the corporate academic system, leveraging your future against a nebulous degree that may or may not pay off; if you just desire money over all pursuits, you do not need quite as much formal business education as you may presume. many successful entrepreneurs have achieved that time and again; however, you should avoid worshiping money like a god since even successful entrepreneurs who worship money and manipulate human capital as means to an end will always remain immoral.
life remains more important than just "making money." our organized academic systems should at a minimum set the stage for teaching the more nuanced skill sets, such as emotional wellness and empathy. the current academic system does not emphasize emotional intelligence, which remains its weakest component. it sadly and absurdly shapes its entire agenda around donors, football ratings, and tuition cash money.
improving your emotional wellness will catalyze massive sea changes in your mindset. you will sharpen your symbolic logic, take up yoga, tap the nonlocal, and yes, get out of your comfort zone.
...relax and slow down....you will shape your new reality tunnel.
b) set aside balanced financial capital
a balanced asset / liability management approach will quantify and immunize your unknown commercial and personal liabilities. do not get too dazzled with asset driven modeling scenarios with ambiguous capital market sideswipes and broadsides. you do not have to take on as much credit risk as you would think to design a robust pension. if you do not know about this topic, you can call me, and we can talk about it.
rigorous pension design builds cash reserves and creates off-balance sheet assets. cash reserves remain easily quantifiable with fancy retirement calculators and supposedly perpetual stock market growth. look beyond the hype to not get caught in the hypnosis.
off-balance sheet asset / liability management appears more elusive, not just psychologically, but in actual practice and design execution. you will hire someone to work with you at this point, right?
judiciously invest your cash reserves and remain alert...your middle class stock market remains an illusion. you will become chum for the shadow traders without constant attention in some risky, sure bet penny stock or high flier securities. question hype.
rather than pour money into a home or a 401(k), which may or may not remain the most reliable household assets, you should consider broadening your pension base. proper pension design requires a stable foundation, creates potential growth options, and deploys cost effective fail-safe mechanisms. your foundation would include health savings money as well as stable non-qualified annuities with a liquid cash reserve and large credit lines. maintain liquid cash reserves at 2.5 times your used overnight credit lines and adjust spending and/or investing based on consistent trends.
we will touch on human capital insurance, but as you can see, it helps to hire someone now...
invest in a roth ira or a roth 401(k). you can get more traction with your roth 401(k) relative to a roth ira but both remain powerful tools with your traditional ira and 401(k). check it out. you definitely want a cash reserve in retirement from which to slip those late night dollars, to feed hungry and sick children, to buy your first yacht, or to pass on tax free to your heirs. you make that choice.
our financial services industry takes a half-baked approach to uninsured healthcare expenses. you must reverse that trend within your own life and not only set aside funds for today but also for tomorrow. a future healthcare expense reserve will cover out of pocket costs from senior health insurance as well as senior custodial care. you could estimate between 5,000 in out of pocket costs per year with at least 78,000 in custodial care per year in today's nominal dollars as a starting point.
liability management estimation remains nuanced and assumption driven relevant to a client's particular situation; however, embrace the ambiguity and get to work!
c) teach your children and yourself how to start your own family business
you will stop working for other people. do it at least once, and you will see...you will try it. you will love it...
you will begin investing in quality projects, expand your interpersonal network and contacts, and integrate a nexus between your personal interests and your profit centers. build an enterprise beyond your family's governing capacity and sell mezzanine debenture interests.
business owners create wealth when retaining meaningful company ownership while extracting financial capital from properly executed financing rounds. your best situation will revolve around getting a large upfront payout with perpetual cash residuals. blueprint your own exit strategy.
your legacy will live on...you will place the perpetual cash residuals into your dynasty trust. perpetual financial capital will finance many generations' productive professional endeavors.
d) own your own mixed-usage rental property
why not live within the same building or building complex with light-commercial tenants, apartment residential tenants, grocery stores, nightclubs, and/or delis? mixed usage real estate remains economically vibrant and sustainable since both residential and commercial market performance do not necessarily correlate statistically.
for instance, you may have a high tech manufacturing industry boom soaking up commercial space while residential tenancy could hurt from a school district laying off many teachers. your vacancy would more than likely fill with commercial tenants needing space for employees. you could also have a tavern that will serve drinks boom or bust.
quality commercial tenants will also attract grocery stores, culinary artisans, or delis. your neighborhood quality of life will not benefit from another fast food grease pit. you will dedicate urban space as a growing space to fill your dinner tables with wholesome food.
e) get your human capital insurance priorities in order
people younger than age 50 will probably endure a disability or illness rather than unexpected death. your human capital's productivity demands disability insurance; as a business owner, you will consider overhead disability as well as a buy-sell disability insurance plan with key partners. you can do the same with life insurance, a most productive and efficient off-balance sheet asset.
most baby boomers have homeowner's insurance while few own long term care insurance. do people care more about homes or their own human capital? our society focuses so much on the homeowner wet dream to the exclusion of discussing the more mundane but dreadfully more important personal and corporate liabilities. invest your dollars in yourself rather than some consumption good.
you will invest financial capital into non-cancellable long term disability and permanent life insurance with long term care benefit riders. this combination will complement your pension design efforts when properly designed by your own retained financial counselor. you can start investing in permanent life insurance with long term care benefits under age 40 now, even as low as age 3.
f) create your own legacy
you will leave financial, resource, and human capital aside for the next generation. avoid taking the mindset that this process only revolves around financial capital.
human capital will prevail over financial and resource capital. who runs the matrix, huh?
mission statement
...promoting, nurturing, and protecting human capital.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
the great fear
hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members. many people bemoan president obama's political win and much hand-wringing words stream through our media services. listening to npr and wtul new orleans this morning highlighted that according to npr: a) obama does not have a mandate compared to bush, and (b) cokie roberts said that obama needs to court mitt romney's core constituency, a slowly winnowing population with its own agenda, relative to the remaining population.
fact: american demographics have begun aggregating in geographic regions within the united states, and marijuana and gay marriage remain a non-issue in many parts of the country; however, the "moral majority" thinks otherwise, believing that they alone have a right into your bedroom and into your life.
unfortunately, the smaller government crowd within the conservative party will not exclude the military and county paramilitary forces with its legions of private military contractors. why retain enforcers when voters approved behavior that has shown nominal social harm? when will state rights' powers remain consistent within political dialogue? how can you compare actual human slavery to smoking a joint as a state rights' issue?
who cares about disproportionate imprisonment of black and hispanics for similar marijuana possession charges as white americans? have we created slavery by another name with this drug enforcement architecture?
the banking industry, weapons manufacturers, hedge funds, mexican cartels, freelance human traffickers, drug runners, private prisons, and american paramilitary enforcement agencies remain above the law. why not stop the charade by legalizing marijuana? just ask colorado and washington!
why have a media outlet crown your mandate, when the people have spoken and handed mitt romney back to his constituents? general mandate appears obvious. think about all the super pac money well spent when we have starving children, monstrous killing in foreign hot flash points, and rising seas; surely, we can spend our money more wisely, or not.
president obama will continue the massive killing overseas and work his best to keep the angry hordes off our shores while enriching the ultra-rich and disenfranchising the poor; even if you do not believe that statement, just know he only has four years left physically and maybe ten years ideologically. he can only do so much during that time.
too bad the pentagon does not remember the roman empire days. why would you arm the afghanis, or any other auxiliary military force with a competing agenda, after helping create the osama bin laden mythology? have the custom made late 1970's and early 1980's stinger military hardware not killed enough americans? some bright-eyed, saggy cheeked pentagon child desired training the afghani security forces, similarly to los zetas trained on my tax dollars at the school of the americas.
to the pentagon and its usury-, military- and prision-industrial complex vampires, you did not ask my permission to conduct morally loose escapades. also, why do you never pick up the tab? our relationship needs more appropriate consideration with less self-aggrandizement from your part; hopefully, we can create some transparency in exchange for my tax dollars.
opaque operations aimed at killing people does not interest me. so, did we really win with obama?
fact: american demographics have begun aggregating in geographic regions within the united states, and marijuana and gay marriage remain a non-issue in many parts of the country; however, the "moral majority" thinks otherwise, believing that they alone have a right into your bedroom and into your life.
unfortunately, the smaller government crowd within the conservative party will not exclude the military and county paramilitary forces with its legions of private military contractors. why retain enforcers when voters approved behavior that has shown nominal social harm? when will state rights' powers remain consistent within political dialogue? how can you compare actual human slavery to smoking a joint as a state rights' issue?
who cares about disproportionate imprisonment of black and hispanics for similar marijuana possession charges as white americans? have we created slavery by another name with this drug enforcement architecture?
the banking industry, weapons manufacturers, hedge funds, mexican cartels, freelance human traffickers, drug runners, private prisons, and american paramilitary enforcement agencies remain above the law. why not stop the charade by legalizing marijuana? just ask colorado and washington!
why have a media outlet crown your mandate, when the people have spoken and handed mitt romney back to his constituents? general mandate appears obvious. think about all the super pac money well spent when we have starving children, monstrous killing in foreign hot flash points, and rising seas; surely, we can spend our money more wisely, or not.
president obama will continue the massive killing overseas and work his best to keep the angry hordes off our shores while enriching the ultra-rich and disenfranchising the poor; even if you do not believe that statement, just know he only has four years left physically and maybe ten years ideologically. he can only do so much during that time.
too bad the pentagon does not remember the roman empire days. why would you arm the afghanis, or any other auxiliary military force with a competing agenda, after helping create the osama bin laden mythology? have the custom made late 1970's and early 1980's stinger military hardware not killed enough americans? some bright-eyed, saggy cheeked pentagon child desired training the afghani security forces, similarly to los zetas trained on my tax dollars at the school of the americas.
to the pentagon and its usury-, military- and prision-industrial complex vampires, you did not ask my permission to conduct morally loose escapades. also, why do you never pick up the tab? our relationship needs more appropriate consideration with less self-aggrandizement from your part; hopefully, we can create some transparency in exchange for my tax dollars.
opaque operations aimed at killing people does not interest me. so, did we really win with obama?
Friday, November 9, 2012
natural gas conversion kits
hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members. our global energy complex sits on the verge of a cambrian explosion. we will leave our industrial age cocoon and shed its poisonously greedy mindset.
the rapidly evolving natural gas industry remains an incredibly profitable long term play; sure, henry hub natural gas prices remain depressed relative to liquid petroleum. you might as well look at the long term futures market for a clue about the market's perception about future prices. prices do not materially rise until 2020 and then peter off in 2022. what? that perception does not make sense considering its sheer abundance among many, many multi-faceted extraction environments.
...necesitamos un mentalidad contrarian mis amigos...
remember the whale oil tale back in the 1850's and 1860's. liquid petroleum eclipsed whale oil technology as supreme within a decade. since our world moves much faster than it did back in the 1860's, you may as well compress a substitute good replacement time-frame. imagine the plausibility behind natural gas eclipsing liquid petroleum as a travel fuel source; without naming names, some energy companies remain so committed to liquid petroleum that it makes you wonder, "who benefits from a divided, conflicted, and tumultuous middle east, and why?" who will come out and meaningfully calculate the middle eastern death premium in liquid petroleum? why double down on suffering?
natural gas does not just have to come out of a permian rock or mid-continent mountain formation. it can come from overflowing landfills, sewage systems, and cooperative animal husbandry...we do not have to just rely on fossil fuel natural gas; in fact, we should capture the natural gas fissures already provided by the earth, such as in undersea environments. the fossil fuel natural gas industry must evolve beyond its industrial age mindset, evolve, and cooperatively benefit our entire global humanity, or step aside; if not, it will probably meet a similar demise as its liquid petroleum cousin.
who will consider distributing liquid natural gas as an alternative to gasoline? gasoline vehicles can drive on liquid natural gas with a minor conversion process; sure, you must invest significant money into the process, which could run on the order of 6,000 to 10,000. you probably invest in worthwhile things anyway, so why would it become a leap of faith to use your financial resources to tap an abundant resource?
as a business opportunity, why not invest in the conversion and lease out vehicles within an urban environment? who needs a personal car anyway? that lifestyle remains way overrated by marketing hipsters and saggy cheeked global megacorporate executives.
humans will always create some waste and will demand energy. why not recycle the energy sources? we can do better than the status quo. more consumers within the conversion kit market will drive down its prices. its market will innovate towards efficiency and effectiveness, since you can burn nearly all natural gasses cleanly with well executed exhaust scrubbing systems.
let us quickly examine a natural gas conversion kit system. you not only provide conversion maintenance service onsite, but you also begin reselling a few natural gas vehicles for profit within the same building. housing a liquid natural gas filling station will create vehicular traffic and enable more repeat business.
as an added bonus, your participation within the filling station client membership automatically comps you a personal lounge and discounted use of the facility's tavern. an austrian beerhouse with mexican polka would probably fit the bill in my case, but you can always choose an equally appropriate theme.
so, why not engineer and sell natural gas conversion kits? who will ride the next technology wave and become the next sir richard branson?
let me know what you think about the idea...more to follow. enjoy a meaningful weekend!
the rapidly evolving natural gas industry remains an incredibly profitable long term play; sure, henry hub natural gas prices remain depressed relative to liquid petroleum. you might as well look at the long term futures market for a clue about the market's perception about future prices. prices do not materially rise until 2020 and then peter off in 2022. what? that perception does not make sense considering its sheer abundance among many, many multi-faceted extraction environments.
...necesitamos un mentalidad contrarian mis amigos...
remember the whale oil tale back in the 1850's and 1860's. liquid petroleum eclipsed whale oil technology as supreme within a decade. since our world moves much faster than it did back in the 1860's, you may as well compress a substitute good replacement time-frame. imagine the plausibility behind natural gas eclipsing liquid petroleum as a travel fuel source; without naming names, some energy companies remain so committed to liquid petroleum that it makes you wonder, "who benefits from a divided, conflicted, and tumultuous middle east, and why?" who will come out and meaningfully calculate the middle eastern death premium in liquid petroleum? why double down on suffering?
natural gas does not just have to come out of a permian rock or mid-continent mountain formation. it can come from overflowing landfills, sewage systems, and cooperative animal husbandry...we do not have to just rely on fossil fuel natural gas; in fact, we should capture the natural gas fissures already provided by the earth, such as in undersea environments. the fossil fuel natural gas industry must evolve beyond its industrial age mindset, evolve, and cooperatively benefit our entire global humanity, or step aside; if not, it will probably meet a similar demise as its liquid petroleum cousin.
who will consider distributing liquid natural gas as an alternative to gasoline? gasoline vehicles can drive on liquid natural gas with a minor conversion process; sure, you must invest significant money into the process, which could run on the order of 6,000 to 10,000. you probably invest in worthwhile things anyway, so why would it become a leap of faith to use your financial resources to tap an abundant resource?
as a business opportunity, why not invest in the conversion and lease out vehicles within an urban environment? who needs a personal car anyway? that lifestyle remains way overrated by marketing hipsters and saggy cheeked global megacorporate executives.
humans will always create some waste and will demand energy. why not recycle the energy sources? we can do better than the status quo. more consumers within the conversion kit market will drive down its prices. its market will innovate towards efficiency and effectiveness, since you can burn nearly all natural gasses cleanly with well executed exhaust scrubbing systems.
let us quickly examine a natural gas conversion kit system. you not only provide conversion maintenance service onsite, but you also begin reselling a few natural gas vehicles for profit within the same building. housing a liquid natural gas filling station will create vehicular traffic and enable more repeat business.
as an added bonus, your participation within the filling station client membership automatically comps you a personal lounge and discounted use of the facility's tavern. an austrian beerhouse with mexican polka would probably fit the bill in my case, but you can always choose an equally appropriate theme.
so, why not engineer and sell natural gas conversion kits? who will ride the next technology wave and become the next sir richard branson?
let me know what you think about the idea...more to follow. enjoy a meaningful weekend!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
an uninformed plutocrat...
good morning clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members. meeting with a friend the other day, american political babble ultimately came up. we disagreed somewhat.
the "close" election this year begets scrutiny, considering that the american public considers only having two candidates a contest. why do we only have to choose between a blue tie and a red tie while ignoring any other legitimate tie? the two party system does not effectively serve our collective interests. it thrives on obtuse duality and inane dialogue.
you could claim that this inanity exists because over $2.00 billion will be spent during this election cycle; however, ask yourself the following questions:
my over-privileged friend considers voting for gary johnson, the libertarian candidate, a vote for president obama. he gravely underestimates the libertarian party and its believers and also slanders the american voting process. who says that you must only vote on two choices? why create anxiety that your vote is a wasted vote? talk about scripted psychological abuse. thank you news outlets and its democratic and republican dogmatic interests.
he remains uninformed and watches entirely too much fox news inebriated with an ax to grind. his right-wing views obscure the mayhem behind our failed palestinian occupation policy in israel and our imperial economic mercantilism. america should unwind its predatory foreign policy over the next 200 years, not only over the next 4 years. we cannot stop too soon, but why continue feeding the fire elsewhere, such as the shift from the middle east to the pacific rim?
my family socioeconomic experience centered around medicine, education, and upper middle class privilege; however, my folks did not come from privilege, and my father immigrated from mexico. the democratic party remained my personal choice for many years. our hard working merchant class values, our social conscience, our collective immigration mindset, and our episcopal faith steered me away from the republican party and its unequal social control, its behavioral dogma, its corrupt regulatory policies, and its xenophobia.
for the record, the democratic party has abandoned my own values. it continues our country's ill-fated drug war while continuing a brutal and senseless middle eastern policy. the drum wars beating towards pacific rim military escapades will only end in more bloodshed and death. military contractors and money center speculators will profit from this engagement, not moral people.
let us think critically about military conflict with china. seeing goosestepping chinese does not scare me; on the contrary, nationalistic pride swells in me, guttural hatred courses through my veins, and my body gets tingly with goosebumps. they would truly meet the might of the american militia, as like minded heroes gather in the rockies, the appalachians, and the texas hill country. why create that carnage?
my mother's austrian forefathers put the french to the bayonet at waterloo and fought valiantly in both 20th century world wars; more recently, my father's mexican grandparents joined our northern chihuahuan brethren against plutocratic tyranny during the mexican revolution. fighting courses through my veins and does not need to come out unnecessarily.
do not recommend a military campaign...we would not fight the chinese in this engagement over 4 years. my great-great-great grandchildren will continue the bloodshed if we truly engage with china, much less iran, militarily. creating that reality and profiting from death will always remain immoral; moreover, we would fight civilizations dating back to the time period when humans began streaming into river valleys 10,000 years ago. the institutional memory lasts many centuries in those worlds.
enjoy the fact that people can vote; more importantly, demand more choices than two regarding our american domestic and foreign policy. we can achieve much but cannot do much with a cleaved, negative duality unwilling to cooperate for the common good.
just walk away and disengage from the uninformed plutocrat...
the "close" election this year begets scrutiny, considering that the american public considers only having two candidates a contest. why do we only have to choose between a blue tie and a red tie while ignoring any other legitimate tie? the two party system does not effectively serve our collective interests. it thrives on obtuse duality and inane dialogue.
you could claim that this inanity exists because over $2.00 billion will be spent during this election cycle; however, ask yourself the following questions:
- where else could we spend this money other than trying to pad our own exclusionary interests by using taxation as a weapon of mass enrichment and social control to keep people in check?
- why create and support an impolite zero-sum game intended to divide and conquer demographics with rigged political and socioeconomic competition?
- who will tear down the broken political, social, and economic system and buck up to its enforcers by playing and subverting the system's bankrupt values?
- how will we change our hyper-competitive, greedy mindset?
- when does change matter? [almost sounds like a slogan!]
- what impact can you make on improving conditions for the common good?
my over-privileged friend considers voting for gary johnson, the libertarian candidate, a vote for president obama. he gravely underestimates the libertarian party and its believers and also slanders the american voting process. who says that you must only vote on two choices? why create anxiety that your vote is a wasted vote? talk about scripted psychological abuse. thank you news outlets and its democratic and republican dogmatic interests.
he remains uninformed and watches entirely too much fox news inebriated with an ax to grind. his right-wing views obscure the mayhem behind our failed palestinian occupation policy in israel and our imperial economic mercantilism. america should unwind its predatory foreign policy over the next 200 years, not only over the next 4 years. we cannot stop too soon, but why continue feeding the fire elsewhere, such as the shift from the middle east to the pacific rim?
my family socioeconomic experience centered around medicine, education, and upper middle class privilege; however, my folks did not come from privilege, and my father immigrated from mexico. the democratic party remained my personal choice for many years. our hard working merchant class values, our social conscience, our collective immigration mindset, and our episcopal faith steered me away from the republican party and its unequal social control, its behavioral dogma, its corrupt regulatory policies, and its xenophobia.
for the record, the democratic party has abandoned my own values. it continues our country's ill-fated drug war while continuing a brutal and senseless middle eastern policy. the drum wars beating towards pacific rim military escapades will only end in more bloodshed and death. military contractors and money center speculators will profit from this engagement, not moral people.
let us think critically about military conflict with china. seeing goosestepping chinese does not scare me; on the contrary, nationalistic pride swells in me, guttural hatred courses through my veins, and my body gets tingly with goosebumps. they would truly meet the might of the american militia, as like minded heroes gather in the rockies, the appalachians, and the texas hill country. why create that carnage?
my mother's austrian forefathers put the french to the bayonet at waterloo and fought valiantly in both 20th century world wars; more recently, my father's mexican grandparents joined our northern chihuahuan brethren against plutocratic tyranny during the mexican revolution. fighting courses through my veins and does not need to come out unnecessarily.
do not recommend a military campaign...we would not fight the chinese in this engagement over 4 years. my great-great-great grandchildren will continue the bloodshed if we truly engage with china, much less iran, militarily. creating that reality and profiting from death will always remain immoral; moreover, we would fight civilizations dating back to the time period when humans began streaming into river valleys 10,000 years ago. the institutional memory lasts many centuries in those worlds.
enjoy the fact that people can vote; more importantly, demand more choices than two regarding our american domestic and foreign policy. we can achieve much but cannot do much with a cleaved, negative duality unwilling to cooperate for the common good.
just walk away and disengage from the uninformed plutocrat...
Thursday, October 25, 2012
community health savings trust fund
hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members. after expounding deep thought over the last blogpost, we must further probe a critical statement:
let global citizens rise up on their own and take care of their elderly and disabled citizenry through privately organized, transparent, and ethical pension cooperatives.
organized human society has made considerable progress with developing and implementing pension ecosystems over the years; moreover, historians trace back the pension's lineage to the medieval western experience with many historical cycles. check out the london-based pensions archive trust's website on medieval pensions [search out the pension employed by king charles ii for barbara palmer aka lady castlemain, his beloved mistress]. a safe link dated 10/25/2012 providing access: http://www.pensionsarchive.org/84/.
pensions have always served to accomplish two human desires: a) prevent outliving income and b) satisfy uninsured healthcare expenses. highly effective pension design integrates asset returns with nimble strategic liability management. liabilities run the gamut from income taxes to inadequate non-healthcare related expense coverage to protracted hospitalization due to accidental trauma.
our current pension system heavily focuses on asset returns and taxes while begrudgingly and clumsily managing future cash flow consistency and healthcare financing. acknowledging this flaw helps push the pension design process envelope.
pension design must balance personal asset / liability management with voluntarily pooled social resources. imbalanced management processes do not work well, especially with involuntarily pooled social resources and ethically bankrupt accountability systems.
we must coordinate cooperatively to develop a voluntary community health savings fund system.
the voluntary community ecosystem would uniquely serve as an individual's pension without needing federal government largesse or a fickle employer model; but, you may ask, "who will provide the infrastructure supporting your so-called brave new pension system?"
other questions come to mind as well:
individuals, families, and companies whom consume high deductible medical plan banking services tend to understand liability management and cash reserve creation. a voluntary robust savings system creates a fundamental cash reservoir against future unexpected healthcare expenses; as a positive but unnecessary federal government incentive, people over age 65 can withdraw funds without incurring a non-medical penalty.
...your income tax implications remain relative to your own taxpayer situation. please consult with a cpa if in doubt or call me so we can find a suitable one together. you should never hesitate against hiring competent independent financial contractors as necessary. consider mine.
financial managers seeking a robust funding source would target hsa funding as a core funding source beyond initial capitalization. using or not using the federal reserve system should remain the community's choice. the fdic, the ncua, and its morally hazardous ways have no moral high point.
our beautifully unaccountable central banking system underscores our pension woes. a classic capitalist moral hazard plays out time and again. zombie companies do not provide a solid foundation, and also incidentally, do not fit into a capitalist system. they fit more cleanly within a rapacious plutocracy.
envisioning and blueprinting your community health savings trust, you should focus on the core elements of a pension cooperative:
a) unlimited private party designation choices
the american business and government pension crisis underscores how poorly multicultural, ultra-competitive societies coordinate significantly complex social dynamics, such as facilitating personal pension growth. why do you need a certain tax code number linked up with a certain corporate legal body? the intentional incoherence behind the pension delivery channel only keeps certain professionals in business.
we must dismantle our overly restrictive bureaucratic framework. from disassembling unaccountable, pyramidal pension frameworks, we must empower private pension cooperatives. other than outright social control, why should our federal or state system have so much control over private dollars concerning your own private, personal matters?
why do we have to fight over government money and use arbitrary taxation as a political weapon of mass deprivation? taxation has become a political weapon of mass enrichment for a select few. it facilitates a brutal zero sum game worthy of sun tzu, who would probably still blush at its rapacity.
when will we have the ability to roll out our social security money into our own traditional ira or take a check? how about rolling my medicare into my own health savings account?
you can create your own social safety net with your own needs in mind...imagine offering yourself a pension with current benefits that make sense to you...we can achieve it.
b) unequivocally transparent
many people outside the financial services industry world maintain disdain over the industry. we have growing hordes of financiers, greasy politicos, and robotic technocrats seeking absolute riches at the least dollar cost to them. socially engineering society's safety net around socializing risk and privatizing profits clearly does not benefit all stakeholders.
please take a look at the fannie mae criminal prosecution dismissal posting [safe link on 10/25/2012]:
why did the judicial system not let the pinnacle element within the criminal mortgage ripoff at least get a complete trial? our unaccountable financial system players, such as fannie mae and the federal reserve, remain an economic impediment, hobbling a properly functioning financial system. this strategy does not build up confidence in a pension ecosystem demanding fiduciary care.
to all "greed is good" schmoes and common thieves, cheating does not equal success or even a place in our meritocracy. if greed is truly acceptable in your opinion, consider ethics courses as well as yoga, meditation, and possibly psychoanalysis. let me know how it goes, especially the byzantine psychoanalysis.
core pension assumptions revolve around longevity, morbidity, money rates, asset rate of return, liability growth rates, and future claims estimation; unfortunately, actuaries remain shrouded within the wizard's palatial hut, cranking out esoteric math while chiefing away day by day.
financial wizardry does not calm the nerves and barely begets trust. we must simplify the assumptions and discuss them openly. transparency breeds ethically balanced success.
your pension ecosystem must operate in a decentralized organizational environment. all employed workers, including senior management, must have 360 reviews and post all compensation online. if senior management has a problem revealing compensation relative to fellow "rank and file" workers, why? where do think union organization aspirations come from? how can you engender a positive working environment that efficiently and effectively addresses its purpose without relying on an industrial age resource capital mindset?
health savings accounts and long term care insurance serve as a solid foundation behind a robust pension scheme. you cannot adequately manage your assets and liabilities focusing on wall street's mantras. asset return alone will not help you manage outliving your income and paying uninsured healthcare expenses.
allocate towards your off-balance sheet liabilities...prepare against health decline and dementia mentally, psychologically, physically, spiritually, and yes, financially.
c) unabashedly ethical
the organizing financiers behind governmental and employer pensions have absconded on integrity, and ethical principles have fallen by the wayside. we have become beholden to crooks and predatory profiteers hiding behind personal nothingness.
the social security and corporate pension crisis has unfolded not since our prior few presidents but over the last 50 years. we have fallen asleep on our core asset / liability management assumptions.
getting above average financial capital returns at any price became desirable beyond the initial intention behind the pension system. remember the pension raider talk behind a hostile corporate takeover during "wall street," yes - the original one, for the pension cash.
when did the pension side of ford motor, ancient airlines, or general motors hold strategic sessions with the senior management system backstopping their non-executive employer-based pension system? even if the pension team had a major role, they must have absconded on their fiduciary role when doubling down on gas guzzlers with low gasoline prices. did they not see that gasoline prices would not stay low forever based on prior price and volume volatility?
excluding maternity care within any medical plan will always remain unethical. why does a insurance carrier or a government setup a major disincentive to a growing family with individual medical insurance? who gave them the fundamental right to warp and manipulate human social patterns?
...apparently, you must work in a corporation or own a corporation to get adequate medical coverage and beget children.
thank you washington and brussels for enabling a corrupt, morally bankrupt zombie banking and corporate system. my great-great-great granddaughter appreciates it. who will join me and others against this morally bankrupt financial corruption?
stop participating in their house first and foremost.
d) adamantly original
modern financial + health wellness programs manage not only major medical care but also address mental, physical, spiritual, and psychological concerns. pure yoga activities, gym benefits, swim lessons, social club organizations, mental therapy, and meditation remain cornerstones around balanced living.
why not create physician access through retainer-based concierge medicine? who desires stymieing a cooperative community health savings trust fund? results oriented people will find similar talent and address the challenges with brutal honesty and deliberate thought. look at silicon valley as a good example with its transformational collective mindset focused on innovative change.
maybe, the brooklyn healthcare system supported by the freelancers union will push the boundaries and expand across the nation...acupuncture therapy works better than resusitating someone from molecular manipulation and pharmaceutical poisoning.
aside from traditional and nontraditional mind, body, and spirit benefits, your membership should purchase time with your own concierge financial counselor. we should look at our obsession with financial and resource capital as something worth tempering down, so we can focus on building our human capital.
our own human capital will build community health savings trust funds. financial and resource capital only follow in line, never forget that. let's get to work...
let global citizens rise up on their own and take care of their elderly and disabled citizenry through privately organized, transparent, and ethical pension cooperatives.
organized human society has made considerable progress with developing and implementing pension ecosystems over the years; moreover, historians trace back the pension's lineage to the medieval western experience with many historical cycles. check out the london-based pensions archive trust's website on medieval pensions [search out the pension employed by king charles ii for barbara palmer aka lady castlemain, his beloved mistress]. a safe link dated 10/25/2012 providing access: http://www.pensionsarchive.org/84/.
pensions have always served to accomplish two human desires: a) prevent outliving income and b) satisfy uninsured healthcare expenses. highly effective pension design integrates asset returns with nimble strategic liability management. liabilities run the gamut from income taxes to inadequate non-healthcare related expense coverage to protracted hospitalization due to accidental trauma.
our current pension system heavily focuses on asset returns and taxes while begrudgingly and clumsily managing future cash flow consistency and healthcare financing. acknowledging this flaw helps push the pension design process envelope.
pension design must balance personal asset / liability management with voluntarily pooled social resources. imbalanced management processes do not work well, especially with involuntarily pooled social resources and ethically bankrupt accountability systems.
we must coordinate cooperatively to develop a voluntary community health savings fund system.
the voluntary community ecosystem would uniquely serve as an individual's pension without needing federal government largesse or a fickle employer model; but, you may ask, "who will provide the infrastructure supporting your so-called brave new pension system?"
other questions come to mind as well:
- what is effective, ineffective, and just plain wrong with the pension status quo?
- how can we fundamentally summon a collective tidal wave against unequal economic, social, and political justice meted out by corrupt washington and brussels technocrats and their intergalactic financier syndicates?
- why should anyone care about the helpless and the weak?
- where can we draw a line between inequity and passive acceptance?
- when will pension systems rely on freelancing professionals or cooperative neighborhood communities as core funding sources?
individuals, families, and companies whom consume high deductible medical plan banking services tend to understand liability management and cash reserve creation. a voluntary robust savings system creates a fundamental cash reservoir against future unexpected healthcare expenses; as a positive but unnecessary federal government incentive, people over age 65 can withdraw funds without incurring a non-medical penalty.
...your income tax implications remain relative to your own taxpayer situation. please consult with a cpa if in doubt or call me so we can find a suitable one together. you should never hesitate against hiring competent independent financial contractors as necessary. consider mine.
financial managers seeking a robust funding source would target hsa funding as a core funding source beyond initial capitalization. using or not using the federal reserve system should remain the community's choice. the fdic, the ncua, and its morally hazardous ways have no moral high point.
our beautifully unaccountable central banking system underscores our pension woes. a classic capitalist moral hazard plays out time and again. zombie companies do not provide a solid foundation, and also incidentally, do not fit into a capitalist system. they fit more cleanly within a rapacious plutocracy.
envisioning and blueprinting your community health savings trust, you should focus on the core elements of a pension cooperative:
a) unlimited private party designation choices
the american business and government pension crisis underscores how poorly multicultural, ultra-competitive societies coordinate significantly complex social dynamics, such as facilitating personal pension growth. why do you need a certain tax code number linked up with a certain corporate legal body? the intentional incoherence behind the pension delivery channel only keeps certain professionals in business.
we must dismantle our overly restrictive bureaucratic framework. from disassembling unaccountable, pyramidal pension frameworks, we must empower private pension cooperatives. other than outright social control, why should our federal or state system have so much control over private dollars concerning your own private, personal matters?
why do we have to fight over government money and use arbitrary taxation as a political weapon of mass deprivation? taxation has become a political weapon of mass enrichment for a select few. it facilitates a brutal zero sum game worthy of sun tzu, who would probably still blush at its rapacity.
when will we have the ability to roll out our social security money into our own traditional ira or take a check? how about rolling my medicare into my own health savings account?
you can create your own social safety net with your own needs in mind...imagine offering yourself a pension with current benefits that make sense to you...we can achieve it.
b) unequivocally transparent
many people outside the financial services industry world maintain disdain over the industry. we have growing hordes of financiers, greasy politicos, and robotic technocrats seeking absolute riches at the least dollar cost to them. socially engineering society's safety net around socializing risk and privatizing profits clearly does not benefit all stakeholders.
please take a look at the fannie mae criminal prosecution dismissal posting [safe link on 10/25/2012]:
why did the judicial system not let the pinnacle element within the criminal mortgage ripoff at least get a complete trial? our unaccountable financial system players, such as fannie mae and the federal reserve, remain an economic impediment, hobbling a properly functioning financial system. this strategy does not build up confidence in a pension ecosystem demanding fiduciary care.
to all "greed is good" schmoes and common thieves, cheating does not equal success or even a place in our meritocracy. if greed is truly acceptable in your opinion, consider ethics courses as well as yoga, meditation, and possibly psychoanalysis. let me know how it goes, especially the byzantine psychoanalysis.
core pension assumptions revolve around longevity, morbidity, money rates, asset rate of return, liability growth rates, and future claims estimation; unfortunately, actuaries remain shrouded within the wizard's palatial hut, cranking out esoteric math while chiefing away day by day.
financial wizardry does not calm the nerves and barely begets trust. we must simplify the assumptions and discuss them openly. transparency breeds ethically balanced success.
your pension ecosystem must operate in a decentralized organizational environment. all employed workers, including senior management, must have 360 reviews and post all compensation online. if senior management has a problem revealing compensation relative to fellow "rank and file" workers, why? where do think union organization aspirations come from? how can you engender a positive working environment that efficiently and effectively addresses its purpose without relying on an industrial age resource capital mindset?
health savings accounts and long term care insurance serve as a solid foundation behind a robust pension scheme. you cannot adequately manage your assets and liabilities focusing on wall street's mantras. asset return alone will not help you manage outliving your income and paying uninsured healthcare expenses.
allocate towards your off-balance sheet liabilities...prepare against health decline and dementia mentally, psychologically, physically, spiritually, and yes, financially.
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well taken care of...who knows without asking her? |
c) unabashedly ethical
the organizing financiers behind governmental and employer pensions have absconded on integrity, and ethical principles have fallen by the wayside. we have become beholden to crooks and predatory profiteers hiding behind personal nothingness.
the social security and corporate pension crisis has unfolded not since our prior few presidents but over the last 50 years. we have fallen asleep on our core asset / liability management assumptions.
getting above average financial capital returns at any price became desirable beyond the initial intention behind the pension system. remember the pension raider talk behind a hostile corporate takeover during "wall street," yes - the original one, for the pension cash.
when did the pension side of ford motor, ancient airlines, or general motors hold strategic sessions with the senior management system backstopping their non-executive employer-based pension system? even if the pension team had a major role, they must have absconded on their fiduciary role when doubling down on gas guzzlers with low gasoline prices. did they not see that gasoline prices would not stay low forever based on prior price and volume volatility?
excluding maternity care within any medical plan will always remain unethical. why does a insurance carrier or a government setup a major disincentive to a growing family with individual medical insurance? who gave them the fundamental right to warp and manipulate human social patterns?
...apparently, you must work in a corporation or own a corporation to get adequate medical coverage and beget children.
thank you washington and brussels for enabling a corrupt, morally bankrupt zombie banking and corporate system. my great-great-great granddaughter appreciates it. who will join me and others against this morally bankrupt financial corruption?
stop participating in their house first and foremost.
d) adamantly original
modern financial + health wellness programs manage not only major medical care but also address mental, physical, spiritual, and psychological concerns. pure yoga activities, gym benefits, swim lessons, social club organizations, mental therapy, and meditation remain cornerstones around balanced living.
why not create physician access through retainer-based concierge medicine? who desires stymieing a cooperative community health savings trust fund? results oriented people will find similar talent and address the challenges with brutal honesty and deliberate thought. look at silicon valley as a good example with its transformational collective mindset focused on innovative change.
maybe, the brooklyn healthcare system supported by the freelancers union will push the boundaries and expand across the nation...acupuncture therapy works better than resusitating someone from molecular manipulation and pharmaceutical poisoning.
aside from traditional and nontraditional mind, body, and spirit benefits, your membership should purchase time with your own concierge financial counselor. we should look at our obsession with financial and resource capital as something worth tempering down, so we can focus on building our human capital.
our own human capital will build community health savings trust funds. financial and resource capital only follow in line, never forget that. let's get to work...
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
structuring the good life
hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members. the word "downshifting" generally connotes negative feelings, such as defeat and remorse. stick-shift drivers the world over also know that downshifting maintains road stability and even more powerful driving experiences. only a handful of experiences rival accelerating off a tight turn controlled with power downshifting.
...we must present an alternative good life rather than a socially enforced "automatic" transmission experience. demand your right to craft your life's user-defined transmission experience. you will appreciate controlling the shifting process more than letting the world fold around you automatically.
how do we downshift our collective mindset, redefine our social contract, and get back to our fundamental human desires? our frenetic pace with self-defeating multitask objectives has torn our attention away from our social contract with fellow humans. we have become uncomfortably self-absorbed, straying far away from meaningful human discourse; moreover, collective greed has dissolved much of the remaining fabric with our social contract's tapestry.
where do we sense our own being and feel fulfilled doing what we do on a daily basis? much political rhetoric abounds between the feuding american plutocratic political parties. rather than face the fact that the industrialized economies remain mired in structural unemployment, politicos would rather misplace blame. we can thank many forces: corporate america, fiend politicos, technological change, the disintegration of the tribal / family unit, overtly reckless monetary policy, mercantilist national objectives, and other broad social changes.
needless to say, rather than blame, we should take steps towards addressing marginalization and eliminating our zero-sum game. our collective ability to manage destabilizing but potentially bountiful social forces such as technological change requires a different approach. we cannot apply the same old industrial age technological mindset to the developing information age. society must not accept economic starvation and social humiliation.
how do we assess our true meaning and impact in our highly personal but social consciousness? we must reevaluate our tribal and family unit's worth and maintain trust with other tribal and family units. global conflicts not only thrive on greed but also on unstable tribal and family relationships.
as a common developmental experience, a child comes into the world, and she begins to recognize herself and identify her own family unit. too often, many children do not make the connection to a family unit, due to war, famine, plague, or socially engineered and rigged policies. we have, and have had, too many young black american children falling into this basic human need deficiency.
she recognizes her tribe beyond her family unit, ultimately bringing in global human life. true enlightenment begins accelerating when she sees beyond geographic borders and human life, making biological and plant life equally sacrosanct. we cannot achieve mutual success when we degrade our planetary home; tragically, after we ultimately overpopulate and pollute earth, moving to other planets will not cure our separation or control our dysfunctional social-psychological issues.
thinking about mutual success on a grand scale requires contemplating some core questions:
structuring the good life does not appear elusive considering the global challenges presented by greed, self-absorption, and our decaying social contract. the following concepts will push forward progress, counteracting collective social decline:
a) creating cooperative urban gardens with walking plazas
unfortunately for my fellow americans, shopping strip-malls called plazas do not count towards this definition. modern urban society has grown up uncomfortably detached from its food sources and the meaningful human interactions built up around providing food. food does not just come from our supermarket mega-corporations.
clean green-space with walking plazas off urban gardens may solve this man-made dilemma. raising edible and cash crops within open, infield lots and abandoned warehouse space provides utility for otherwise unused space. warehouse space could accommodate massive water collection systems, seed storage, and hydroponic crop environments; moreover, marginalized groups such as the working poor, the chronically unemployed, and the homeless may also have a shot at social integration, helping grow society's crops for food and medical access in a rehabilitative environment.
we could push the envelope and grow medicinal herbs in our community urban gardens. scientific evidence has begun showing that the pharmaceutical molecular engineers generally miss the boat compared to naturally grown sources; case in point, rather than giving a whole deluge of toxic pills to chemotherapy patients, why not treat pain and physical nausea with medicinal marijuana? surely, we can, and should, utilize homegrown remedies garnered over many years of human experience without fear of reprisal from scheming politicos. nature made it, so why reject it as false?
we could feed and heal our community, generate cash flow among cooperative participants, and integrate the marginalized into our communities.
b) ending political and economic social control
we will have difficulties improving our collective human condition and redefining our social contract under the status quo. xenophobia, homosexual crusades, futile drug wars, mercantilist economic policies, prison profiteering, and white collar crime siphons off precious economic resources. our children must know tolerance through parental and societal leader actions, restraining corporate, tribal, and governmental tyranny.
creating artificial constraints, such as geographic borders, farm subsidies, and black markets, only creates more conflict. please fellow humans, live and let live...
c) facilitating pension cooperatives
aging and disabled humans deserve respect and care. our forced pension systems through byzantine federal, state, municipal, and corporate bureaucracies relies excessively on an arcane tax code and unequal intent. why make it so difficult to plan for those who worry about outliving their income and managing uninsured healthcare expenses? do we need two or more governmental agencies and two or more corporate interests supervising every healthcare "transaction" ad nauseum?
long term thinking over the last 200 years has helped developed solid asset / liability management principles and robust risk management systems; however, we have not used enough common sense or integrity in the equation. governmental "regulators" and multinational mega-corporations amplify the situation beyond overload with unequally engineered policies that socialize financial risk and privatize public profit.
arbitrary market entry barriers preclude high quality service options for financial, resource, and human capital management resources. why create consumer choice when we can cloak market competition and progressive options with outright economic plutocracy? this late industrial age idea from the progressive movement fails considerably for consumers but creates economic rent for the top end of the bureaucratic pyramid.
in that same vein, progressive ideology missed the mark as well with its psychotic eugenics philosophy. nazi war criminals learned much from north carolina's enforcers who dehumanized the mountain poor with high technology social cleansing methods. so, with this horror in mind, why trust the progressive philosophy? does it cover as a front for totalitarian forces?
the question belies the energy necessary to vet out the answer. let global citizens rise up on their own and take care of their elderly and disabled citizenry through privately organized, transparent, and ethical pension cooperatives. trust me, we can do better than the status quo.
d) establishing food and water cooperatives
our long term human survival revolves around consistent food and water sources. without protection from marauding warlords or exclusionary bureaucratic police forces, food and water cultivation becomes rather difficult. take the ethiopian and south african experience as examples in point.
ethiopia has always had its own coptic empire aspirations but lacks clear access to the coast as well as clear leadership. feuding warlords and imperial forces have fed some well at the exclusion of many, many humans who starved to death. will never forget my experience as a five year old in 1984 watching my own proverbial brothers and sisters perish via television over the olympics...why continue armed conflict in this manner and brush it away under the table?
the south african platinum miner clashes underscore exclusionary bureaucratic police tactics. why would you have striking miners show up with crude weaponry and angry energy? how did it come to pass that police enforcers mowed down striking miners? we must look at both sides of the equation and understand that protracted warfare and brutal employer / employee relationships do not help our food and water supply.
employers and employees must balance total ownership in our new information age. yes, refusing employee ownership remains an individual or corporate choice, but why meet it with pain of death? platinum does not power the human soul, only universal love.
without force, and yes, cooperatively, we can gather around resources equitably and in due fashion; however, military arm sales greed, nationalistic pride, and social psychosis stymie that effort. we have had the technology over the last 10,000 years and the ability to manage both food and water resource capital sources.
time to stop dealing with the profiteering white-collar plutocrats and their shoddy business, political, and social models. tolerance, transparency, and integrity will go a long way concerning this matter.
e) enabling education cooperatives
we must abandon the winner take all approach to education financing and delivery. a well-rounded educational system focuses on ethics and reason, far removed from the test-score madness promulgated by business executives and politicos. why do we need to compete with the chinese for a superior military industrial complex when we can accomplish much more? our societal leaders have undermined our educational system for exclusionary profit with some help from the federal reserve and misallocated capital resources.
we do not need corporate or military automatons; on the contrary, we must demand more independent minds, a stronger grammar school slant, and an internal ability to think on your own. why exclusively direct energy to the university systems and its cronyism + financial profit when we should focus on our children and let love blossom within our children's hearts? this process takes a lifetime with a proper foundation set in preschool and even in utero.
our global structural unemployment conundrum will not dissipate with additional global financial market wizardry. why subsidize future speculative financial market bombs while punishing our collective future wherewithal? we must plow more money and reinvest social proceeds into quality education, not save banks' profits but to manage collective human financial misery!
watch people...federal reserve wizardry doing its thing via manipulating long term interest rates [operation twist], vainly trying to revive the 1961 magic hat trick. check it out via the san francisco bank's research: http://www.frbsf.org/publications/economics/letter/2011/el2011-13.html. tested safe link on 9/12/2012 at 7:40pm cdt.
it appears sadly ironic watching "well-educated" technocrats intentionally miss underlying structural unemployment for privatized gain off socialized risk management! socializing risk in this manner adds injury to insult without equal profit sharing, such as equity owner or educational funding dividend checks. why should my financial resources invest in a public project without equal profit opportunities? moreover, how can anyone justify equality in lending out money freely to banks via interest free short term money rates at 0%, turning around and paying 12.50% on the same money from my own pocket? how does this economic gerrymandering benefit our educational resources and our next several generations? it does not benefit our global society.
we must cease working with this socialized racket orchestrated by extrajudicial multinational banking conglomerates. we will blueprint educational systems that teach children to see inequity in our plutocratic system. we will even empower them to tear it down equitably, judiciously, and fairly. sending more and more minds into business schools lacking without an ethical foundation misses the point entirely. we will counteract that trend.
opt out of the current educational system and create your own educational ecosystem laser focused on ethics and reason. global humanity will appreciate it, and our great, great grandchildren will reap the benefits many times over.
downshift from the path to ruin, cultivate a conscientious mindset, create an enjoyable day, and blueprint your own destiny!
...we must present an alternative good life rather than a socially enforced "automatic" transmission experience. demand your right to craft your life's user-defined transmission experience. you will appreciate controlling the shifting process more than letting the world fold around you automatically.
how do we downshift our collective mindset, redefine our social contract, and get back to our fundamental human desires? our frenetic pace with self-defeating multitask objectives has torn our attention away from our social contract with fellow humans. we have become uncomfortably self-absorbed, straying far away from meaningful human discourse; moreover, collective greed has dissolved much of the remaining fabric with our social contract's tapestry.
where do we sense our own being and feel fulfilled doing what we do on a daily basis? much political rhetoric abounds between the feuding american plutocratic political parties. rather than face the fact that the industrialized economies remain mired in structural unemployment, politicos would rather misplace blame. we can thank many forces: corporate america, fiend politicos, technological change, the disintegration of the tribal / family unit, overtly reckless monetary policy, mercantilist national objectives, and other broad social changes.
needless to say, rather than blame, we should take steps towards addressing marginalization and eliminating our zero-sum game. our collective ability to manage destabilizing but potentially bountiful social forces such as technological change requires a different approach. we cannot apply the same old industrial age technological mindset to the developing information age. society must not accept economic starvation and social humiliation.
how do we assess our true meaning and impact in our highly personal but social consciousness? we must reevaluate our tribal and family unit's worth and maintain trust with other tribal and family units. global conflicts not only thrive on greed but also on unstable tribal and family relationships.
as a common developmental experience, a child comes into the world, and she begins to recognize herself and identify her own family unit. too often, many children do not make the connection to a family unit, due to war, famine, plague, or socially engineered and rigged policies. we have, and have had, too many young black american children falling into this basic human need deficiency.
she recognizes her tribe beyond her family unit, ultimately bringing in global human life. true enlightenment begins accelerating when she sees beyond geographic borders and human life, making biological and plant life equally sacrosanct. we cannot achieve mutual success when we degrade our planetary home; tragically, after we ultimately overpopulate and pollute earth, moving to other planets will not cure our separation or control our dysfunctional social-psychological issues.
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go son...build into the mountain gently but firmly! |
- what lessons do we teach about success?
- how do we frame success mentally?
- where can we redefine success?
- why redefine success?
- who will redefine success?
- when can we start redefining success collectively?
structuring the good life does not appear elusive considering the global challenges presented by greed, self-absorption, and our decaying social contract. the following concepts will push forward progress, counteracting collective social decline:
a) creating cooperative urban gardens with walking plazas
unfortunately for my fellow americans, shopping strip-malls called plazas do not count towards this definition. modern urban society has grown up uncomfortably detached from its food sources and the meaningful human interactions built up around providing food. food does not just come from our supermarket mega-corporations.
clean green-space with walking plazas off urban gardens may solve this man-made dilemma. raising edible and cash crops within open, infield lots and abandoned warehouse space provides utility for otherwise unused space. warehouse space could accommodate massive water collection systems, seed storage, and hydroponic crop environments; moreover, marginalized groups such as the working poor, the chronically unemployed, and the homeless may also have a shot at social integration, helping grow society's crops for food and medical access in a rehabilitative environment.
we could push the envelope and grow medicinal herbs in our community urban gardens. scientific evidence has begun showing that the pharmaceutical molecular engineers generally miss the boat compared to naturally grown sources; case in point, rather than giving a whole deluge of toxic pills to chemotherapy patients, why not treat pain and physical nausea with medicinal marijuana? surely, we can, and should, utilize homegrown remedies garnered over many years of human experience without fear of reprisal from scheming politicos. nature made it, so why reject it as false?
we could feed and heal our community, generate cash flow among cooperative participants, and integrate the marginalized into our communities.
b) ending political and economic social control
we will have difficulties improving our collective human condition and redefining our social contract under the status quo. xenophobia, homosexual crusades, futile drug wars, mercantilist economic policies, prison profiteering, and white collar crime siphons off precious economic resources. our children must know tolerance through parental and societal leader actions, restraining corporate, tribal, and governmental tyranny.
creating artificial constraints, such as geographic borders, farm subsidies, and black markets, only creates more conflict. please fellow humans, live and let live...
c) facilitating pension cooperatives
aging and disabled humans deserve respect and care. our forced pension systems through byzantine federal, state, municipal, and corporate bureaucracies relies excessively on an arcane tax code and unequal intent. why make it so difficult to plan for those who worry about outliving their income and managing uninsured healthcare expenses? do we need two or more governmental agencies and two or more corporate interests supervising every healthcare "transaction" ad nauseum?
long term thinking over the last 200 years has helped developed solid asset / liability management principles and robust risk management systems; however, we have not used enough common sense or integrity in the equation. governmental "regulators" and multinational mega-corporations amplify the situation beyond overload with unequally engineered policies that socialize financial risk and privatize public profit.
arbitrary market entry barriers preclude high quality service options for financial, resource, and human capital management resources. why create consumer choice when we can cloak market competition and progressive options with outright economic plutocracy? this late industrial age idea from the progressive movement fails considerably for consumers but creates economic rent for the top end of the bureaucratic pyramid.
in that same vein, progressive ideology missed the mark as well with its psychotic eugenics philosophy. nazi war criminals learned much from north carolina's enforcers who dehumanized the mountain poor with high technology social cleansing methods. so, with this horror in mind, why trust the progressive philosophy? does it cover as a front for totalitarian forces?
the question belies the energy necessary to vet out the answer. let global citizens rise up on their own and take care of their elderly and disabled citizenry through privately organized, transparent, and ethical pension cooperatives. trust me, we can do better than the status quo.
d) establishing food and water cooperatives
our long term human survival revolves around consistent food and water sources. without protection from marauding warlords or exclusionary bureaucratic police forces, food and water cultivation becomes rather difficult. take the ethiopian and south african experience as examples in point.
ethiopia has always had its own coptic empire aspirations but lacks clear access to the coast as well as clear leadership. feuding warlords and imperial forces have fed some well at the exclusion of many, many humans who starved to death. will never forget my experience as a five year old in 1984 watching my own proverbial brothers and sisters perish via television over the olympics...why continue armed conflict in this manner and brush it away under the table?
the south african platinum miner clashes underscore exclusionary bureaucratic police tactics. why would you have striking miners show up with crude weaponry and angry energy? how did it come to pass that police enforcers mowed down striking miners? we must look at both sides of the equation and understand that protracted warfare and brutal employer / employee relationships do not help our food and water supply.
employers and employees must balance total ownership in our new information age. yes, refusing employee ownership remains an individual or corporate choice, but why meet it with pain of death? platinum does not power the human soul, only universal love.
without force, and yes, cooperatively, we can gather around resources equitably and in due fashion; however, military arm sales greed, nationalistic pride, and social psychosis stymie that effort. we have had the technology over the last 10,000 years and the ability to manage both food and water resource capital sources.
time to stop dealing with the profiteering white-collar plutocrats and their shoddy business, political, and social models. tolerance, transparency, and integrity will go a long way concerning this matter.
e) enabling education cooperatives
we must abandon the winner take all approach to education financing and delivery. a well-rounded educational system focuses on ethics and reason, far removed from the test-score madness promulgated by business executives and politicos. why do we need to compete with the chinese for a superior military industrial complex when we can accomplish much more? our societal leaders have undermined our educational system for exclusionary profit with some help from the federal reserve and misallocated capital resources.
we do not need corporate or military automatons; on the contrary, we must demand more independent minds, a stronger grammar school slant, and an internal ability to think on your own. why exclusively direct energy to the university systems and its cronyism + financial profit when we should focus on our children and let love blossom within our children's hearts? this process takes a lifetime with a proper foundation set in preschool and even in utero.
our global structural unemployment conundrum will not dissipate with additional global financial market wizardry. why subsidize future speculative financial market bombs while punishing our collective future wherewithal? we must plow more money and reinvest social proceeds into quality education, not save banks' profits but to manage collective human financial misery!
watch people...federal reserve wizardry doing its thing via manipulating long term interest rates [operation twist], vainly trying to revive the 1961 magic hat trick. check it out via the san francisco bank's research: http://www.frbsf.org/publications/economics/letter/2011/el2011-13.html. tested safe link on 9/12/2012 at 7:40pm cdt.
it appears sadly ironic watching "well-educated" technocrats intentionally miss underlying structural unemployment for privatized gain off socialized risk management! socializing risk in this manner adds injury to insult without equal profit sharing, such as equity owner or educational funding dividend checks. why should my financial resources invest in a public project without equal profit opportunities? moreover, how can anyone justify equality in lending out money freely to banks via interest free short term money rates at 0%, turning around and paying 12.50% on the same money from my own pocket? how does this economic gerrymandering benefit our educational resources and our next several generations? it does not benefit our global society.
we must cease working with this socialized racket orchestrated by extrajudicial multinational banking conglomerates. we will blueprint educational systems that teach children to see inequity in our plutocratic system. we will even empower them to tear it down equitably, judiciously, and fairly. sending more and more minds into business schools lacking without an ethical foundation misses the point entirely. we will counteract that trend.
opt out of the current educational system and create your own educational ecosystem laser focused on ethics and reason. global humanity will appreciate it, and our great, great grandchildren will reap the benefits many times over.
downshift from the path to ruin, cultivate a conscientious mindset, create an enjoyable day, and blueprint your own destiny!
Friday, August 24, 2012
relax...slow down
hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members. modern socialized human patterns demand constant motion and psychologically-manipulated consumption creating unnecessary stress. we must learn to relax and slow down, sever the marionette strings, and not consume beyond our earth's carrying capacity.
leaving the slippery slope towards collective human suffering, how do you redefine your existence? taking leisurely drives through the texas hill country from lago vista into austin around 9:30am on a weekday helps tremendously. stopping your work mid-day and enjoying your son, daughter, or loved one also furthers your leisure. eating longer than thirty minutes for lunch as well; but, most importantly, thinking deeply about your valuable importance within the collective consciousness.
humans crave love, clean water, pure food, and meaningful companionship. without these minimums, which many people even in the 0.05% lack, how can you justify living a full and nourishing life? chasing the dollar can only buy so much happiness. yes, money will always buy freedom in this manufactured reality; but, that pursuit has left a hollow vacuum filled with nihilism, polluted water, toxic food, and hate.
we have much to learn from our aboriginal ancestors. why focus your energy on obtaining a new ipad or smartphone when you cannot provide love, clean water, pure food, or relationships? aboriginal societies have shown more focus on community and spiritual development, as evidenced by its deep connection with the unknown, than modern global human society. some aboriginal societies possess uncanny community development, love, spirituality, and cosmic interconnectedness.
you always hear about young chinese girls selling their bodies for a new iphone, but let us look at the western experience. think about the miserable wretch schlepping to work and selling his human capital for a country club membership. women slitting throats for junior league membership, and both genders killing for political parties; but, going back full circle to the chinese girl, the eastern experience has become subsumed with the consumption virus and has even begun perfecting its social control. western police state regimes salivate with envy...
children emotionally and physically murdering one another due to vacuous voids in their parents' hearts. bullets flying through movie theaters, landing in the hands of latent sociopaths, and creating multimillion dollar fortunes soaked in blood. the modern human consciousness must move beyond mechanized death, the most egregious form of consumption, as a means for profit.
manufactured wars always demand fresh credit supplied by immoral financial and human capital as well as the resource capital that mains and kills innocent people. think syria and the remnants of the pyrrhic cold war, claimed as an american victory and a soviet loss!! who won? doubtful that we could argue that the 2 year old syrian eviscerated by ex-soviet / iranian military hardware came out on top. we should also ask marie colvin; yet without a doubt, your question would arrive too late.
western civilization has glorified meaningless violence and social stratification for its own sake and for a marketing dollar. does glorification via media, marketing, and fast food make us ill or better our existence on our planet? based on our current experience, we can answer unequivocally yes and no to the two questions.
pouring our resources and energy into education, healthcare, and necessary technological innovation will improve our odds against collective annihilation. how does relaxing and slowing down relate to education, healthcare, and necessary technological innovation? the three broad take time with few shortcuts and sometimes results take more than one lifetime.
what action plan can you create to relax and slow down?
a) tap the nonlocal
collective human mental energy focuses entirely way too much energy on the here and now. not only must our minds see the present, look back, and envision our future, we must articulately evaluate the unknown. aboriginal societies held shamans in great esteem, but for the most part, our modern collective mind has laughed off the unknown. clear your mind and calm your thoughts to stillness.
b) work on what you want to do
we feel that we must work to survive with some grain of truth; however, you have to buy into that reality. living and working on a farm remains incredibly different, and deep emotional experiences felt in the rural lands resonate with humanity. urban children with decaying family ties must understand this fact and also not buy into the idea that material possessions define your own worth; likewise, urban environments offer much richness in human consciousness potential.
your thoughts and language define your reality...your mindset determines your worth.
urban environments take no pity on the disenfranchised, and honestly, it does not have the means to provide a safety net. urban dwellers doing well know this fact too. your true safety net remains building your family and community ties. cultivating and nurturing those ties generally takes generations, does not happen overnight, and requires incredible work.
c) truly vacation
when you take vacation time, avoid checking business and personal email. you should in fact just put up the vacation auto-reply and check it once you get back into the office.
my lago vista trip this week remains built for quiet, solitude, quality family time, morning coffee, and wildlife viewing. our 2 year old boy insisted that he saw deer in the woods, and as it turns out, a 6 point juvenile buck sat below our back porch. he looked eerily into the glass door. to thank him, we exchanged pleasantries, and his doe and he went on their way.
enjoyed a long, hazy morning drive on ranch road 1431 from lago vista into the austin metro area for coffee and an internet connection. waited all week to pay some bills and write you. we must always remain resolute in enjoying life.
d) live over your commercial interests
why live in the suburbs when you can live above your commercial interests? granted, most zoning laws may or may not permit this practice, but it makes sense to stop the commute. the commute does not allow you to relax and slow down when you cannot control your vehicular commute pace.
imagine working with your doctor, cpa, plumber, or business advisor knowing that they live upstairs and not only maintain the commercial space but also a residential space. you could truly get to know an important person in your life and facilitate a deeper human understanding. we must end the tyranny of the suburb!
e) blueprint your perfect neighborhood
your perfect neighborhood would have not only professional services within walking distance but also independent, neighborhood run services and opportunities that allow you to:
f) overcome socialized consumption patterns
why participate in the global past time around buying and throwing away? who says that you have to earn 100,000 by age 35 or retire by age 65? some social psychological spinster may have said so, but human experience has shown over the last 10,000 years otherwise. no one can put you in that predetermined box unless you let them do it.
g) enjoy transcendental music
this song always makes me happy...enjoy!! thank you washed out...
relaxing and slowing down takes time and does not have a uniform path. start your conversation and determine your own path today! leave a message and let me know...
leaving the slippery slope towards collective human suffering, how do you redefine your existence? taking leisurely drives through the texas hill country from lago vista into austin around 9:30am on a weekday helps tremendously. stopping your work mid-day and enjoying your son, daughter, or loved one also furthers your leisure. eating longer than thirty minutes for lunch as well; but, most importantly, thinking deeply about your valuable importance within the collective consciousness.
humans crave love, clean water, pure food, and meaningful companionship. without these minimums, which many people even in the 0.05% lack, how can you justify living a full and nourishing life? chasing the dollar can only buy so much happiness. yes, money will always buy freedom in this manufactured reality; but, that pursuit has left a hollow vacuum filled with nihilism, polluted water, toxic food, and hate.
we have much to learn from our aboriginal ancestors. why focus your energy on obtaining a new ipad or smartphone when you cannot provide love, clean water, pure food, or relationships? aboriginal societies have shown more focus on community and spiritual development, as evidenced by its deep connection with the unknown, than modern global human society. some aboriginal societies possess uncanny community development, love, spirituality, and cosmic interconnectedness.
you always hear about young chinese girls selling their bodies for a new iphone, but let us look at the western experience. think about the miserable wretch schlepping to work and selling his human capital for a country club membership. women slitting throats for junior league membership, and both genders killing for political parties; but, going back full circle to the chinese girl, the eastern experience has become subsumed with the consumption virus and has even begun perfecting its social control. western police state regimes salivate with envy...
children emotionally and physically murdering one another due to vacuous voids in their parents' hearts. bullets flying through movie theaters, landing in the hands of latent sociopaths, and creating multimillion dollar fortunes soaked in blood. the modern human consciousness must move beyond mechanized death, the most egregious form of consumption, as a means for profit.
manufactured wars always demand fresh credit supplied by immoral financial and human capital as well as the resource capital that mains and kills innocent people. think syria and the remnants of the pyrrhic cold war, claimed as an american victory and a soviet loss!! who won? doubtful that we could argue that the 2 year old syrian eviscerated by ex-soviet / iranian military hardware came out on top. we should also ask marie colvin; yet without a doubt, your question would arrive too late.
western civilization has glorified meaningless violence and social stratification for its own sake and for a marketing dollar. does glorification via media, marketing, and fast food make us ill or better our existence on our planet? based on our current experience, we can answer unequivocally yes and no to the two questions.
pouring our resources and energy into education, healthcare, and necessary technological innovation will improve our odds against collective annihilation. how does relaxing and slowing down relate to education, healthcare, and necessary technological innovation? the three broad take time with few shortcuts and sometimes results take more than one lifetime.
what action plan can you create to relax and slow down?
a) tap the nonlocal
collective human mental energy focuses entirely way too much energy on the here and now. not only must our minds see the present, look back, and envision our future, we must articulately evaluate the unknown. aboriginal societies held shamans in great esteem, but for the most part, our modern collective mind has laughed off the unknown. clear your mind and calm your thoughts to stillness.
b) work on what you want to do
we feel that we must work to survive with some grain of truth; however, you have to buy into that reality. living and working on a farm remains incredibly different, and deep emotional experiences felt in the rural lands resonate with humanity. urban children with decaying family ties must understand this fact and also not buy into the idea that material possessions define your own worth; likewise, urban environments offer much richness in human consciousness potential.
your thoughts and language define your reality...your mindset determines your worth.
urban environments take no pity on the disenfranchised, and honestly, it does not have the means to provide a safety net. urban dwellers doing well know this fact too. your true safety net remains building your family and community ties. cultivating and nurturing those ties generally takes generations, does not happen overnight, and requires incredible work.
c) truly vacation
when you take vacation time, avoid checking business and personal email. you should in fact just put up the vacation auto-reply and check it once you get back into the office.
my lago vista trip this week remains built for quiet, solitude, quality family time, morning coffee, and wildlife viewing. our 2 year old boy insisted that he saw deer in the woods, and as it turns out, a 6 point juvenile buck sat below our back porch. he looked eerily into the glass door. to thank him, we exchanged pleasantries, and his doe and he went on their way.
enjoyed a long, hazy morning drive on ranch road 1431 from lago vista into the austin metro area for coffee and an internet connection. waited all week to pay some bills and write you. we must always remain resolute in enjoying life.
d) live over your commercial interests
why live in the suburbs when you can live above your commercial interests? granted, most zoning laws may or may not permit this practice, but it makes sense to stop the commute. the commute does not allow you to relax and slow down when you cannot control your vehicular commute pace.
imagine working with your doctor, cpa, plumber, or business advisor knowing that they live upstairs and not only maintain the commercial space but also a residential space. you could truly get to know an important person in your life and facilitate a deeper human understanding. we must end the tyranny of the suburb!
e) blueprint your perfect neighborhood
your perfect neighborhood would have not only professional services within walking distance but also independent, neighborhood run services and opportunities that allow you to:
- grow your own food
- secure your water rights and exercise judiciously
- create your own independent, integrated power grid
- recycle materials and torn clothes into building materials and other repetitive uses
- organize decentralized, community-minded maintenance systems
- protect your community's children and infirm
f) overcome socialized consumption patterns
why participate in the global past time around buying and throwing away? who says that you have to earn 100,000 by age 35 or retire by age 65? some social psychological spinster may have said so, but human experience has shown over the last 10,000 years otherwise. no one can put you in that predetermined box unless you let them do it.
g) enjoy transcendental music
this song always makes me happy...enjoy!! thank you washed out...
relaxing and slowing down takes time and does not have a uniform path. start your conversation and determine your own path today! leave a message and let me know...
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
love + trust + abundance
hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members. a scarcity mindset creates many unnecessary man-made challenges and inequities. your thoughts and language define reality.
when you focus your energy on obtaining more and more goods, you can easily fall into a pernicious scarcity mindset trap. your mental trap lures you with the smell of easy money. consumption demands more consumption, which demands more consumption, falsifying the easy aspect.
americans across various the socioeconomic chasm experience advert agencies' desires and dreams envisioned by multinational megacorporations. consume, consume, and consume, or else, you may not feel welcome in your friends' arms...much less your own family's arms.
let us evaluate negative, scarcity driven consumption patterns:
a) your home size aspirations
why desire a 7,000 square foot ranch home when you have a 5,000 square foot ranch home? better yet, why desire a 5,000 square foot one when you can probably manage with 2,500 square feet?
growing up in a 3,750 square foot gated ranch home with a private pool perversely affected my housing expectations. during my childhood, our family moved from a classic neighborhood with lively parks and old homes to a more modern neighborhood. a sterile neighborhood ambiance and cutthroat environment roamed free.
this trend became much more common as grammar school friends began leaving our old neighborhoods in droves after the initial trickle. although my experience remained privileged, you could feel the intense scorn living outside someone's gate. the scorn became more evident throughout my early adult years, which in turn created my own contempt.
...my contempt took years to dissipate away.
after moving out in my early twenties, two 1,500 square foot condominiums made me feel free as a single fellow. the space should have worked for me; however, my overflowing desire kept growing beyond that floor space with my growing family.
moving to a 2,500 square foot detached home with a clubhouse away from the old condominium quietly pushed our maintenance limits. getting fired, laid off, and creating an incredible independent practice stressed not only our household reserves but affected our mental energy. we could have managed with the 1,500 square foot condominium even with one child.
check out this space. how does it make you feel? we do not need as much as space as we think that we need or deserve.
b) your salary aspirations
evaluating your salary aspirations relative to a higher standard of living appears relatively straightforward. you make more money and will remain happier than without your new salary; however, does this scenario always pan out?
moving my work trajectory away from public sector stability to higher private sector earnings appeared straightforward. my move earned me a raise but also ensconced me in a highly destructive corporate ethos with a crappy commute.
experience has shown in hindsight that the decision remained relatively shortsighted considering subtle clues foreshadowing the mayhem:

do not move just for a raise...
c) your personal possession desires
this condition has never particularly made my life difficult. even though we grew up in a privileged environment, our folks came from more humbler origins. thrift passed on in this case.
clear thinking beyond the next 200 years requires strategies unfolding over long periods of time and thrift. over-consumption and largess drag down intergenerational legacy aspirations.
d) green lawn aspirations
when you have 1 billion plus people without clean water, how can you justify watering your lawn in a desert ecosystem? mass affluence deceives social responsibility and negates the individual within the entire context of human good. you cannot remain free or healthy while your overseas brethren perish from war, slavery, and waterborne diseases.
our water issue has remained an intractable issue since humanity moved into the river valleys 10,000 years ago. we retell the story on different stages and in different settings, with similar actors.
how to build love + trust + abundance?
my alma mater tulane university says, "not for one's own but for one's self," on its seal. our motto makes sense expanding your own psyche to the collective conscious and subconscious experience. overconsumption patterns do not fit into our perfectly aligned positive mentality.
why purchase bottled water when you can purchase or lease reverse osmosis? the reserve osmosis water remains consistently more clean than bottled municipal water. plus, you get to meet the fellow who services your home or office reverse osmosis system.
we can achieve love + trust + abundance by uplifting ourselves with education, healthcare, and necessary technological change; however, we cannot build anything in a nasty, brutish zero-sum game environment.
our focus should remain on each other as people and treat people as noble ends in themselves.
when you focus your energy on obtaining more and more goods, you can easily fall into a pernicious scarcity mindset trap. your mental trap lures you with the smell of easy money. consumption demands more consumption, which demands more consumption, falsifying the easy aspect.
americans across various the socioeconomic chasm experience advert agencies' desires and dreams envisioned by multinational megacorporations. consume, consume, and consume, or else, you may not feel welcome in your friends' arms...much less your own family's arms.
let us evaluate negative, scarcity driven consumption patterns:
a) your home size aspirations
why desire a 7,000 square foot ranch home when you have a 5,000 square foot ranch home? better yet, why desire a 5,000 square foot one when you can probably manage with 2,500 square feet?
growing up in a 3,750 square foot gated ranch home with a private pool perversely affected my housing expectations. during my childhood, our family moved from a classic neighborhood with lively parks and old homes to a more modern neighborhood. a sterile neighborhood ambiance and cutthroat environment roamed free.
this trend became much more common as grammar school friends began leaving our old neighborhoods in droves after the initial trickle. although my experience remained privileged, you could feel the intense scorn living outside someone's gate. the scorn became more evident throughout my early adult years, which in turn created my own contempt.
...my contempt took years to dissipate away.
after moving out in my early twenties, two 1,500 square foot condominiums made me feel free as a single fellow. the space should have worked for me; however, my overflowing desire kept growing beyond that floor space with my growing family.
moving to a 2,500 square foot detached home with a clubhouse away from the old condominium quietly pushed our maintenance limits. getting fired, laid off, and creating an incredible independent practice stressed not only our household reserves but affected our mental energy. we could have managed with the 1,500 square foot condominium even with one child.
check out this space. how does it make you feel? we do not need as much as space as we think that we need or deserve.
b) your salary aspirations
evaluating your salary aspirations relative to a higher standard of living appears relatively straightforward. you make more money and will remain happier than without your new salary; however, does this scenario always pan out?
moving my work trajectory away from public sector stability to higher private sector earnings appeared straightforward. my move earned me a raise but also ensconced me in a highly destructive corporate ethos with a crappy commute.
experience has shown in hindsight that the decision remained relatively shortsighted considering subtle clues foreshadowing the mayhem:
- the president's office: it remained over 15 times the size of my office. our future conflicting relationship appeared perfectly aligned with our space arrangement. he visually demonstrated to employees and me his favored status, demanding fanatical adherence.
- no windows: my office did not have any windows. his presidential office had an entire window panel the size of my interior walls. similar symbolic logic revealed similar feelings as the president's office size disparity.
- organizational history: the place seemed too perfect during the interview. perhaps the mental institution had let out too many people from the local clinic, but people seemed off in the local community. the president surrounded himself with boys and men that he desired intimately but professed otherwise, making work undesirable.

do not move just for a raise...
c) your personal possession desires
this condition has never particularly made my life difficult. even though we grew up in a privileged environment, our folks came from more humbler origins. thrift passed on in this case.
clear thinking beyond the next 200 years requires strategies unfolding over long periods of time and thrift. over-consumption and largess drag down intergenerational legacy aspirations.
d) green lawn aspirations
when you have 1 billion plus people without clean water, how can you justify watering your lawn in a desert ecosystem? mass affluence deceives social responsibility and negates the individual within the entire context of human good. you cannot remain free or healthy while your overseas brethren perish from war, slavery, and waterborne diseases.
our water issue has remained an intractable issue since humanity moved into the river valleys 10,000 years ago. we retell the story on different stages and in different settings, with similar actors.
how to build love + trust + abundance?
my alma mater tulane university says, "not for one's own but for one's self," on its seal. our motto makes sense expanding your own psyche to the collective conscious and subconscious experience. overconsumption patterns do not fit into our perfectly aligned positive mentality.
why purchase bottled water when you can purchase or lease reverse osmosis? the reserve osmosis water remains consistently more clean than bottled municipal water. plus, you get to meet the fellow who services your home or office reverse osmosis system.
we can achieve love + trust + abundance by uplifting ourselves with education, healthcare, and necessary technological change; however, we cannot build anything in a nasty, brutish zero-sum game environment.
our focus should remain on each other as people and treat people as noble ends in themselves.
Friday, June 22, 2012
collegiate + custom-tailored internship program
hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members. you probably hear much about succession planning and blueprinting your exit strategy. keep listening because it always remains a wise investment.
in mendez & co. financial counselors, we have begun a collegiate + custom-tailored internship program. the collegiate definition gives away the idea, but how many college internships can you consider customizable? our internships have a hand in their own development from day one, destroying command and control business ethos.
we discuss our psychological profile. our current intern, ilia dolaptchiev, has a general jungian typology istj, the examiner, but my typology revolves around enfp, the visionary. we balance our strategic and tactical activities with our complimentary, natural psychological profiles.
...and yes, it takes patience and hard work on both sides.
psychological matches will become more difficult as our independent practice builds upon its human capital; however, instituting consistent practices with our collective ethos will ensure sustainable organizational development, value creation, and impact opportunities.
our internship program fits directly into boosting our overall independent practice enterprise value. our human capital investment serves as a foundational piece with our efficient fee-based consultative revenue model. combining the two processes creates significant synergy and value.
consultative fees remain our target revenue source since the client acquisition process involves deeper human relationships on trust and confidence. focusing on obtaining retainer based fee income creates a deeper client bond, in my professional opinion, relative to transactional income. transactional income can create unusual behavior and reputation losses because participants can place profits over multi-generational human relationships.
we could argue about the revenue model all day, but without question, our clients like it and have begun to expect it. our model allows easier cash flow present value calculations to vet out enterprise value. building multi-generational human relationships requires judicious, consistent care.
earning planning certifications and additional licensure would create additional cash flow opportunities, where otherwise not billable; moreover, valuation will help an additional principal value his stake and purchase ownership interests.
as the business model evolves, its revenue model will maintain a balanced mix of fixed and variable revenue sources. the business model choice though will maintain human capital by focusing on people, planet, and profits. profits come last.
you cannot ignore profit but why compromise enduring value with unsustainable shortcuts? your collective mental profit will drive the process behind blueprinting your exit strategy, envisioning your legacy, and your designing your pension. unscrupulous means do not justify noble ends.
both eastern and western histories have shown that a short-sighted profit agenda results in shorter civilization shelf-life. we must measure our progress against our collective history over the last 10,000 years, when we began gathering around fresh water fertility. our current human civilizations remain on a collision course with fresh water depletion, population growth, and personal vanity.
looking at the hardworking medieval merchant class serves as fantastic proxy. during the 1500's, the world endured rapid technological change, chaotic social upheaval, and massive killings through disease and war. we remain on the cusp of something fantastic and absolutely so fulfilling, but only with a similar multi-generational legacy approach.
when you can work alongside your own employee partners and tap together your collective mind, you create human capital energy. well-honed, creative, independent-minded energy remains elusive, intangible, and always for sale. its implicit value far exceeds resource and financial capital due to infinitely valuable options.
our independent exit strategy + legacy + pension practice instructs our collegiate interns to maintain the following core principles:
a) social entrepreneurship
we operate our consultative practice with an independent mindset imbued with social entrepreneurship. if you have never heard of the concept or need more insight, check out this foundation's website:
our organization does not financially support or receive any compensation from this foundation or the linked website's legal owners. they have a good idea though.
b) mobile entrepreneurship
our independent mindset embraces mobile entrepreneurship. our rapidly evolving business environment with nimble technology applications facilitates international commerce on a scale not seen for many, many years. we can balance people, planet, and yes, profits this time around.
locking yourself into one geographic or linguistic environ confines your business enterprise impact and your mindset. a prior recorded thought nails the concept well:
c) decentralized structure
my prior experience prevents me from practicing command and control military governance over business affairs. we have daily 360 degree reviews between principal and intern, and yes, sometimes you hear things that you would rather avoid. a nimble player keeps positive energy and dialogue going, achieving breakthroughs not dreamed up yet.
interns can earn up to 10% on new retainers without any additional servicing or clawbacks. we mutually agree on the bonus rate during internship since it remains a practice line item off the top. our focus remains consultative driven with a multi-generational approach.
nimble human capital management requires quick action and deep preparation. we do not allocate our human + financial capital resources to positions not involved in revenue generation. why create a bureaucratic organization with cronies, goombas, and rude free loaders?
thank you ilia dolaptchiev for your ambition, your efficiency, your courtesy, and most importantly, putting up with my boundless personality.
in mendez & co. financial counselors, we have begun a collegiate + custom-tailored internship program. the collegiate definition gives away the idea, but how many college internships can you consider customizable? our internships have a hand in their own development from day one, destroying command and control business ethos.
we discuss our psychological profile. our current intern, ilia dolaptchiev, has a general jungian typology istj, the examiner, but my typology revolves around enfp, the visionary. we balance our strategic and tactical activities with our complimentary, natural psychological profiles.
...and yes, it takes patience and hard work on both sides.
psychological matches will become more difficult as our independent practice builds upon its human capital; however, instituting consistent practices with our collective ethos will ensure sustainable organizational development, value creation, and impact opportunities.
our internship program fits directly into boosting our overall independent practice enterprise value. our human capital investment serves as a foundational piece with our efficient fee-based consultative revenue model. combining the two processes creates significant synergy and value.
consultative fees remain our target revenue source since the client acquisition process involves deeper human relationships on trust and confidence. focusing on obtaining retainer based fee income creates a deeper client bond, in my professional opinion, relative to transactional income. transactional income can create unusual behavior and reputation losses because participants can place profits over multi-generational human relationships.
we could argue about the revenue model all day, but without question, our clients like it and have begun to expect it. our model allows easier cash flow present value calculations to vet out enterprise value. building multi-generational human relationships requires judicious, consistent care.
earning planning certifications and additional licensure would create additional cash flow opportunities, where otherwise not billable; moreover, valuation will help an additional principal value his stake and purchase ownership interests.
as the business model evolves, its revenue model will maintain a balanced mix of fixed and variable revenue sources. the business model choice though will maintain human capital by focusing on people, planet, and profits. profits come last.
you cannot ignore profit but why compromise enduring value with unsustainable shortcuts? your collective mental profit will drive the process behind blueprinting your exit strategy, envisioning your legacy, and your designing your pension. unscrupulous means do not justify noble ends.
both eastern and western histories have shown that a short-sighted profit agenda results in shorter civilization shelf-life. we must measure our progress against our collective history over the last 10,000 years, when we began gathering around fresh water fertility. our current human civilizations remain on a collision course with fresh water depletion, population growth, and personal vanity.
looking at the hardworking medieval merchant class serves as fantastic proxy. during the 1500's, the world endured rapid technological change, chaotic social upheaval, and massive killings through disease and war. we remain on the cusp of something fantastic and absolutely so fulfilling, but only with a similar multi-generational legacy approach.
when you can work alongside your own employee partners and tap together your collective mind, you create human capital energy. well-honed, creative, independent-minded energy remains elusive, intangible, and always for sale. its implicit value far exceeds resource and financial capital due to infinitely valuable options.
our independent exit strategy + legacy + pension practice instructs our collegiate interns to maintain the following core principles:
a) social entrepreneurship
we operate our consultative practice with an independent mindset imbued with social entrepreneurship. if you have never heard of the concept or need more insight, check out this foundation's website:
our organization does not financially support or receive any compensation from this foundation or the linked website's legal owners. they have a good idea though.
b) mobile entrepreneurship
our independent mindset embraces mobile entrepreneurship. our rapidly evolving business environment with nimble technology applications facilitates international commerce on a scale not seen for many, many years. we can balance people, planet, and yes, profits this time around.
locking yourself into one geographic or linguistic environ confines your business enterprise impact and your mindset. a prior recorded thought nails the concept well:
c) decentralized structure
my prior experience prevents me from practicing command and control military governance over business affairs. we have daily 360 degree reviews between principal and intern, and yes, sometimes you hear things that you would rather avoid. a nimble player keeps positive energy and dialogue going, achieving breakthroughs not dreamed up yet.
interns can earn up to 10% on new retainers without any additional servicing or clawbacks. we mutually agree on the bonus rate during internship since it remains a practice line item off the top. our focus remains consultative driven with a multi-generational approach.
nimble human capital management requires quick action and deep preparation. we do not allocate our human + financial capital resources to positions not involved in revenue generation. why create a bureaucratic organization with cronies, goombas, and rude free loaders?
thank you ilia dolaptchiev for your ambition, your efficiency, your courtesy, and most importantly, putting up with my boundless personality.
Friday, June 1, 2012
long term care misinformation from npr
hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members. scanning legitimate and worthwhile email blasts periodically yields valuable information; however, you may occasionally find blasts from credible sources that provide misinformation upon further research.
national public radio (npr) recently published a piece on may 8, 2012, called, "long-term-care insurance: who needs it?" the author, marilyn geewax, rhetorically asks an ironic question, and ultimately, lets down her target readers with misinformation. she has perpetuated common myths about private long term care insurance, scaring away target readers who have the most to lose.
npr's target listening and viewing demographic includes the following attributes, according to its 2009 national audience insight and research:
her readership group stands to benefit most from private long term care insurance and has the most to lose considering its relative affluence; moreover, longer lifespans for those sandwich generation members around age 45 will more than likely exceed the age 65 cohort. so, why misinform your readership about a critically vital topic facing massive uninsured healthcare expenses from longevity and aging?
the following excerpts highlight misinformation:
a) long term care insurance costs too much
ms. geewax diligently provides sample premium based policy information with standard options, such as benefit pool, health rating, age, etc. premium based policies generally fit individuals who invest in coverage at an early age and have consistently strong cash flow; however, consumers can choose annuity or life insurance based long term care, not just premium based, solutions.
unfortunately, she misses two highly critical long term care solutions that offer consumers valuable choices. you can explore learning more about long term care combination solutions here:
her readership would stand to benefit from knowing this information, rather than thinking that all solutions revolve around premium based policies; moreover, you do not have use or lose your long term care benefits with a long term care combination solution. your unused benefits remain wrapped up in a financial instrument with residual cash value, creating future legacy or pension opportunities.
b) long term care insurance is cheaper when you sign up by age 60
her statement clearly does not make sense since most insurance carriers will begin considering consumers around age 40. why put off the decision when you should begin considering it much earlier in your retirement planning years? consumers will obtain more favorable benefits when younger and healthier rather than seeking out coverage when approaching peak claim years.
an individual approaching age 60 should consider supplementing existing coverage with a combination solution, rather than a premium based solution; conversely, you should consider a premium based solution much earlier than age 60. your combination solutions work when you can reallocate your savings with larger single premium investments.
how can she discuss the age question intelligently when she does not consider long term care combination solutions?
c) long term care insurance covers various disabilities
long term care insurance carriers will pay claims generally based on cognitive or physical impairment. ms. geewax did not even bother to address the physical impairment by its correct name, your assisted daily living (adl) activities. your adl activities include bathing, continence, dressing, eating, toileting, and transferring.
you must generally have cognitive impairment or an inability to manage two out of six adl activities to receive benefits. most carriers will not pay benefits without meeting that criteria, and they do not call the adl activities definition, "various disabilities."
you can explore learning more about your adl activities here:
d) long term care policies are capped off at three years
once again, her position remains incorrect. insurance carriers will provide you with lifetime benefits, provided that you pay additional periodic or single premiums.
for instance, a client had an option to purchase lifetime coverage through a single premium life insurance policy. her proposed 82,000 single life insurance premium would provide 3,426 per month for 50 months; however, an additional upfront 5,000 premium would continue benefits beyond 4 years indefinitely, managing an unusually long stay.
not too bad for an 87,000 investment, far exceeding the "standard" three years!
npr should have considered the entire long term care insurance spectrum, rather than perpetuating stale myths. its target market deserves better editorial financial advice.
...special thank you to ilia dolaptchiev, our summer intern, for proofing and criticizing this critical piece. he definitely earned his keep today!
national public radio (npr) recently published a piece on may 8, 2012, called, "long-term-care insurance: who needs it?" the author, marilyn geewax, rhetorically asks an ironic question, and ultimately, lets down her target readers with misinformation. she has perpetuated common myths about private long term care insurance, scaring away target readers who have the most to lose.
npr's target listening and viewing demographic includes the following attributes, according to its 2009 national audience insight and research:
- the median age hovers around age 50
- the median household income exceeds 80,000, well above the national average of 55,000
- 65% of listeners have a bachelor's degree, compared to the national average of 25%
- listeners are three times more likely to hold a graduate degree
her readership group stands to benefit most from private long term care insurance and has the most to lose considering its relative affluence; moreover, longer lifespans for those sandwich generation members around age 45 will more than likely exceed the age 65 cohort. so, why misinform your readership about a critically vital topic facing massive uninsured healthcare expenses from longevity and aging?
the following excerpts highlight misinformation:
a) long term care insurance costs too much
ms. geewax diligently provides sample premium based policy information with standard options, such as benefit pool, health rating, age, etc. premium based policies generally fit individuals who invest in coverage at an early age and have consistently strong cash flow; however, consumers can choose annuity or life insurance based long term care, not just premium based, solutions.
unfortunately, she misses two highly critical long term care solutions that offer consumers valuable choices. you can explore learning more about long term care combination solutions here:
her readership would stand to benefit from knowing this information, rather than thinking that all solutions revolve around premium based policies; moreover, you do not have use or lose your long term care benefits with a long term care combination solution. your unused benefits remain wrapped up in a financial instrument with residual cash value, creating future legacy or pension opportunities.
b) long term care insurance is cheaper when you sign up by age 60
her statement clearly does not make sense since most insurance carriers will begin considering consumers around age 40. why put off the decision when you should begin considering it much earlier in your retirement planning years? consumers will obtain more favorable benefits when younger and healthier rather than seeking out coverage when approaching peak claim years.
an individual approaching age 60 should consider supplementing existing coverage with a combination solution, rather than a premium based solution; conversely, you should consider a premium based solution much earlier than age 60. your combination solutions work when you can reallocate your savings with larger single premium investments.
how can she discuss the age question intelligently when she does not consider long term care combination solutions?
c) long term care insurance covers various disabilities
long term care insurance carriers will pay claims generally based on cognitive or physical impairment. ms. geewax did not even bother to address the physical impairment by its correct name, your assisted daily living (adl) activities. your adl activities include bathing, continence, dressing, eating, toileting, and transferring.
you must generally have cognitive impairment or an inability to manage two out of six adl activities to receive benefits. most carriers will not pay benefits without meeting that criteria, and they do not call the adl activities definition, "various disabilities."
you can explore learning more about your adl activities here:
d) long term care policies are capped off at three years
once again, her position remains incorrect. insurance carriers will provide you with lifetime benefits, provided that you pay additional periodic or single premiums.
for instance, a client had an option to purchase lifetime coverage through a single premium life insurance policy. her proposed 82,000 single life insurance premium would provide 3,426 per month for 50 months; however, an additional upfront 5,000 premium would continue benefits beyond 4 years indefinitely, managing an unusually long stay.
not too bad for an 87,000 investment, far exceeding the "standard" three years!
npr should have considered the entire long term care insurance spectrum, rather than perpetuating stale myths. its target market deserves better editorial financial advice.
...special thank you to ilia dolaptchiev, our summer intern, for proofing and criticizing this critical piece. he definitely earned his keep today!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
your user-defined client experience
hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members. humans generally strive to enjoy life through mutual respect, understanding, interpersonal relationships, and community cohesiveness. when searching for an advisor, you should seek out independent mindsets providing a user-defined client experience.
pursue a qualitatively measurable experience that makes you feel emotionally fulfilled yet also accomplishes your objectives. some professional commentators may say that you should solely concern yourself with just asset yield; however, you deserve emotionally connected concierge service that makes you feel valued with your own human and financial capital.
how can you seek out a pleasurable client / provider experience that provides quality measurable results? breaking your search down into components will leverage your choosing experience.
first and foremost, you should clearly have a hand in your experience's design. your advisory provider must either create or provide you with a malleable concierge client ecosystem. the service provider should consider the following suggestions:
a) invite your clients within your professional hosting + email system
valued clients should have real time access to their retainer hour balances, their meeting notes, and all important recorded information. complete information transparency and symmetry will alleviate misunderstanding and boost overall relationship productivity. imagine editing notes to provide more clarity and understanding as well as type in suggested ideas.
your clients should also have their own email address within your system. keeping emails within the same email server exchange will provide tight system architectural integrity. you can balance security as desired in this area without defeating concierge service expectations.
you may also think about building your most profitable relationships with their own website address in your webpage. this service may appear excessive, but your decision depends on how much you value the relationship above and beyond financial investment.
your investment will reap dividends beyond your primary relationships through building your reputation capital. reputation capital management drives our future.
b) invite your clients within your seminar space and media production
your clients drive your reputation capital process, so you should embrace the capital management process with their time and talents. directing and coordinating their energy with your organizational energy and your ambition provides meaningful purpose.
imagine inviting valuable clients to a local seminar addressing prospective client needs. you can directly control your presentation style, knowledge, and demeanor; but, your clients may also create emotional connections with your prospective clients, reinforcing your reputation capital.
you could also co-publish blog entries with valuable clients and tie them not only into online testimonials but into future search results. as an example, you could work out an amenable arrangement with a client whose primary industry involves your target market. your client's professional network will begin creating a mental association with your client and a user-defined client experience through search engines.
search engines have become our collective mental imagery assimilator. use it wisely and create a meaningful emotional connection!
c) create an open-source smartphone application
depending on your user-defined client experience ambitions, you could enhance your service platform with an open-source smartphone application. your user-defined client experience does not have to stop at geographic borders. finding an existing program may help in the short run but denies a sustainable custom tailored client experience.
how may you build an open-source smartphone application? why would you build one? you may have additional prudent questions, but we can narrow down our discussion to those two.
building your own independent practice's smartphone application will require connecting with programming talent. you do not need to fund it all with your funding if you do not mind sharing architectural resources; most importantly, enterprising programming clients may share your vision in providing a meaningful, disruptive technology platform.
you would build your own open-source smartphone application to control your user-defined client experience. relegating your client's experience to existing technology platforms compromises sustainable user-definition. imagine your brand equity possibilities!
d) build a non-employer pension plan
pension plans must constantly balance future asset / liability responsibilities. traditionally, this concept has revolved around employer-based environments, showing obvious deficiencies for the entrepreneurial merchant class. why do you have to work for a bureaucracy to manage your future income and healthcare expenses?
imagine creating a pension trust fund that addresses outliving income and uninsured healthcare expenses without requiring employer participation. many pensions manage the income aspect relatively well; however, few pension funds have desired to take on managing the uninsured healthcare expenses, which remains shameful.
for instance, employer group medical insurance currently covers maternity care while individual plan participants lack this critical coverage. mothers will continue bringing our children into this consciousness, and we must protect ourselves from healthcare exclusion. we can play that game though and succeed triumphantly!
since the medical insurance industry provides rich group protection, marginalizing the individual plan, you should team up with your clients. your clients and you have your own needs, and with proper examination, you will find similar challenges. why not approach your collective challenges together and create a purchasing cooperative?
the purchasing cooperative based on mutual interest and need will drive the medical insurance market soon. your advisory practice should adjust tack or force a new one within your own control.
our future commercial endeavors will involve technological improvement constantly pushing the client experience envelope. your independent practice should participate in the disruption if it improves your client's user-defined concierge experience.
you can count on my professional judgment, my resource access, and my practical counsel. enjoy a meaningful day!
pursue a qualitatively measurable experience that makes you feel emotionally fulfilled yet also accomplishes your objectives. some professional commentators may say that you should solely concern yourself with just asset yield; however, you deserve emotionally connected concierge service that makes you feel valued with your own human and financial capital.
how can you seek out a pleasurable client / provider experience that provides quality measurable results? breaking your search down into components will leverage your choosing experience.
first and foremost, you should clearly have a hand in your experience's design. your advisory provider must either create or provide you with a malleable concierge client ecosystem. the service provider should consider the following suggestions:
a) invite your clients within your professional hosting + email system
valued clients should have real time access to their retainer hour balances, their meeting notes, and all important recorded information. complete information transparency and symmetry will alleviate misunderstanding and boost overall relationship productivity. imagine editing notes to provide more clarity and understanding as well as type in suggested ideas.
your clients should also have their own email address within your system. keeping emails within the same email server exchange will provide tight system architectural integrity. you can balance security as desired in this area without defeating concierge service expectations.
you may also think about building your most profitable relationships with their own website address in your webpage. this service may appear excessive, but your decision depends on how much you value the relationship above and beyond financial investment.
your investment will reap dividends beyond your primary relationships through building your reputation capital. reputation capital management drives our future.
b) invite your clients within your seminar space and media production
your clients drive your reputation capital process, so you should embrace the capital management process with their time and talents. directing and coordinating their energy with your organizational energy and your ambition provides meaningful purpose.
imagine inviting valuable clients to a local seminar addressing prospective client needs. you can directly control your presentation style, knowledge, and demeanor; but, your clients may also create emotional connections with your prospective clients, reinforcing your reputation capital.
you could also co-publish blog entries with valuable clients and tie them not only into online testimonials but into future search results. as an example, you could work out an amenable arrangement with a client whose primary industry involves your target market. your client's professional network will begin creating a mental association with your client and a user-defined client experience through search engines.
search engines have become our collective mental imagery assimilator. use it wisely and create a meaningful emotional connection!
c) create an open-source smartphone application
depending on your user-defined client experience ambitions, you could enhance your service platform with an open-source smartphone application. your user-defined client experience does not have to stop at geographic borders. finding an existing program may help in the short run but denies a sustainable custom tailored client experience.
how may you build an open-source smartphone application? why would you build one? you may have additional prudent questions, but we can narrow down our discussion to those two.
building your own independent practice's smartphone application will require connecting with programming talent. you do not need to fund it all with your funding if you do not mind sharing architectural resources; most importantly, enterprising programming clients may share your vision in providing a meaningful, disruptive technology platform.
you would build your own open-source smartphone application to control your user-defined client experience. relegating your client's experience to existing technology platforms compromises sustainable user-definition. imagine your brand equity possibilities!
d) build a non-employer pension plan
pension plans must constantly balance future asset / liability responsibilities. traditionally, this concept has revolved around employer-based environments, showing obvious deficiencies for the entrepreneurial merchant class. why do you have to work for a bureaucracy to manage your future income and healthcare expenses?
imagine creating a pension trust fund that addresses outliving income and uninsured healthcare expenses without requiring employer participation. many pensions manage the income aspect relatively well; however, few pension funds have desired to take on managing the uninsured healthcare expenses, which remains shameful.
for instance, employer group medical insurance currently covers maternity care while individual plan participants lack this critical coverage. mothers will continue bringing our children into this consciousness, and we must protect ourselves from healthcare exclusion. we can play that game though and succeed triumphantly!
since the medical insurance industry provides rich group protection, marginalizing the individual plan, you should team up with your clients. your clients and you have your own needs, and with proper examination, you will find similar challenges. why not approach your collective challenges together and create a purchasing cooperative?
the purchasing cooperative based on mutual interest and need will drive the medical insurance market soon. your advisory practice should adjust tack or force a new one within your own control.
our future commercial endeavors will involve technological improvement constantly pushing the client experience envelope. your independent practice should participate in the disruption if it improves your client's user-defined concierge experience.
you can count on my professional judgment, my resource access, and my practical counsel. enjoy a meaningful day!
Monday, April 30, 2012
business exit strategy = creating liquidity events
hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members. many individuals know that owning and operating a business entails significant emotional, psychological, and financial risk exposure but clearly offers profound upside. entrepreneurs whom triumph accomplish a feat that most people do not do in a lifetime: not just one but many lifetimes.
savvy entrepreneurs put their human, resource, and financial capital at risk daily. who desires eternally working away on the same project with so much at stake? shrewd human capital creates multiple liquidity events from mental framing and perception as well as diversifying cash flows.
...frame dialogue and perceive your enterprise's value to a financial instrument...set aside emotions...create value based on fundamental quantitative and qualitative asset-liability driven analysis....plow your liquidity events into enterprises with personal control...people, planet, profits...judiciously own the cash flow source...
with that idea in mind, why over-allocate your profit to a stock, a commodity market, or other financial instrument controlled by exogenous variables? you should balance your asset / liability risk profile towards investments that create substantial value and permit more personal control. these investments generally include personally invested projects.
yes, we must all invest in financial instruments that do not always allow personal control; however, you can choose to create value with more personal control, rather than follow asset price trends.
a successful entrepreneur who declined to take on retainer services owns a printer service business. she remained adamant that she did not want to rely on her business for retirement. her viewpoint remains her own but did not recognize that her business serves her personal interests like any other financial instrument.
ironically, her business financial instrument serves her interests exclusively, rather than the stock market diet fed by her advisors. she ultimately has no control over pfizer's business decisions, unless she purchases a large enough stake to warrant control. we could do better looking elsewhere.
as a counter example, an entrepreneur client owns liquid petroleum working interests. she liquidated profitable liquid petroleum properties and generated a significant liquidity event. her liquidity event could finance diversification into natural gas mineral interests and more exciting investments.
she considered natural gas mineral rights' investments as a core investment. the domestic natural gas boom has generated significant excess supply and has depressed commodity prices. excess natural gas supply may potentially drive future energy production, possibly eclipsing liquid petroleum's current relevance.
when oil spikes from a pan-middle eastern conflict between america and china, technological innovators will act and create future opportunities. technological innovators may capitalize on domestic american natural gas supply and create many new industry offshoots. remember the whaling industry and the 1860's!
the whaling industry thrived for many years but became obsolete to liquid petroleum in the 1860's almost overnight, supplanted by technological innovation. it remains arrogant to think that the world will depend on liquid petroleum forever; moreover, that mindset forgets technological innovation and resulting technological obsolescence.
her future investment road-map has potential hazards, but she can exercise control over her natural gas extraction and production process. she feels confident about natural gas' future and also desires investing in converting unleaded gasoline vehicles to natural gas liquids. the ultimate vision involves owning fueling stations that cater to vehicles running on liquid natural gas.
...she is a true vision carrier, but she does not stop there!
her business exit strategy will create not only future business opportunities but most critically create her family legacy and fund her pension. she desires profitable investment projects that generate impact, not focused on the here and now. we tirelessly work on extending her vision far beyond her own lifetime.
she desires to improve the quality and standard of human life through the following work projects:
a) a landlord realty fund
she has always held ambitions to buy and hold real estate that generates consistent cash flows. managing real estate properties carries continuing maintenance investments, but who does not want to earn passive income? this investment strategy will provide ownership opportunities for her great-great grandchildren and help fund her own pension.
her ultimate dream involves owning mixed-use properties that house organic grocery stores, advanced training schools, efficient apartments, and health clinics. this dream will create a sense of community and generate tidy profits as well, if run ethically and maintained well.
b) a health insurance cooperative
she desires to obtain meaningful health insurance coverage without the obscenely inefficient and heartless bureaucratic health machines. with her vision in place, we discuss strategies to invest a portion of her roth ira into a for-profit health insurance trust fund. gathering additional investors takes effort, but who does not want to obtain health insurance coverage and control the process?
her efforts will also pay a bonus by creating coverage opportunities for trust participants. her legacy will also have tax-free upside as well.
c) an urban garden based on community supported agriculture principles
her passionate idea about beginning an urban garden and establishing a community supported agriculture (csa) resonates well in our collective future. many nonprofit organizations, private businesses, and local restaurants have begun taking an interest in her idea. she joined up with several other friends and business allies, providing space, seed, and other critical inputs.
who does not want access to reliable, clean food and water? this investment will positively impact many, many unborn generations if built with sustainability in mind.
d) a local solar array
we have begun discussing an investment strategy that allocates roth ira proceeds into funding a local solar array. the local solar array will not only provide cost effective, reliable, and consistent energy to adjoining households; most importantly, the grid will also power local businesses, the urban garden, and the csa storefront.
who does not want to fund an electric utility and control its profits? she can also potentially create a vast source of tax-free funding for her pension and beneficiaries down the road.
conclusively, when you tie up emotional energy in a business enterprise, you may close off future options. the entrepreneurial oil producer client could have easily said no to expanding her investment footprint and impact. in fact, many do say no...as well as hell no and stick to just one plan.
however, when you can extricate emotions from your core enterprise, you have taken a step forward. you should not rely on one business line in perpetuity with no ownership changes. creating liquidity events amplifies your personal impact, your legacy, and your pension power.
few clients desire working on one project until death. taking into account humanity, clarity, and courage, we can embark as leaderless leaders and create a new destiny on our planet.
encourage a discussion with your tax and investment advisory team about some of these ideas. talk to you all soon and enjoy a meaningful day!
savvy entrepreneurs put their human, resource, and financial capital at risk daily. who desires eternally working away on the same project with so much at stake? shrewd human capital creates multiple liquidity events from mental framing and perception as well as diversifying cash flows.
...frame dialogue and perceive your enterprise's value to a financial instrument...set aside emotions...create value based on fundamental quantitative and qualitative asset-liability driven analysis....plow your liquidity events into enterprises with personal control...people, planet, profits...judiciously own the cash flow source...
with that idea in mind, why over-allocate your profit to a stock, a commodity market, or other financial instrument controlled by exogenous variables? you should balance your asset / liability risk profile towards investments that create substantial value and permit more personal control. these investments generally include personally invested projects.
yes, we must all invest in financial instruments that do not always allow personal control; however, you can choose to create value with more personal control, rather than follow asset price trends.
a successful entrepreneur who declined to take on retainer services owns a printer service business. she remained adamant that she did not want to rely on her business for retirement. her viewpoint remains her own but did not recognize that her business serves her personal interests like any other financial instrument.
ironically, her business financial instrument serves her interests exclusively, rather than the stock market diet fed by her advisors. she ultimately has no control over pfizer's business decisions, unless she purchases a large enough stake to warrant control. we could do better looking elsewhere.
as a counter example, an entrepreneur client owns liquid petroleum working interests. she liquidated profitable liquid petroleum properties and generated a significant liquidity event. her liquidity event could finance diversification into natural gas mineral interests and more exciting investments.
she considered natural gas mineral rights' investments as a core investment. the domestic natural gas boom has generated significant excess supply and has depressed commodity prices. excess natural gas supply may potentially drive future energy production, possibly eclipsing liquid petroleum's current relevance.
when oil spikes from a pan-middle eastern conflict between america and china, technological innovators will act and create future opportunities. technological innovators may capitalize on domestic american natural gas supply and create many new industry offshoots. remember the whaling industry and the 1860's!
the whaling industry thrived for many years but became obsolete to liquid petroleum in the 1860's almost overnight, supplanted by technological innovation. it remains arrogant to think that the world will depend on liquid petroleum forever; moreover, that mindset forgets technological innovation and resulting technological obsolescence.
her future investment road-map has potential hazards, but she can exercise control over her natural gas extraction and production process. she feels confident about natural gas' future and also desires investing in converting unleaded gasoline vehicles to natural gas liquids. the ultimate vision involves owning fueling stations that cater to vehicles running on liquid natural gas.
...she is a true vision carrier, but she does not stop there!
her business exit strategy will create not only future business opportunities but most critically create her family legacy and fund her pension. she desires profitable investment projects that generate impact, not focused on the here and now. we tirelessly work on extending her vision far beyond her own lifetime.
she desires to improve the quality and standard of human life through the following work projects:
a) a landlord realty fund
she has always held ambitions to buy and hold real estate that generates consistent cash flows. managing real estate properties carries continuing maintenance investments, but who does not want to earn passive income? this investment strategy will provide ownership opportunities for her great-great grandchildren and help fund her own pension.
her ultimate dream involves owning mixed-use properties that house organic grocery stores, advanced training schools, efficient apartments, and health clinics. this dream will create a sense of community and generate tidy profits as well, if run ethically and maintained well.
b) a health insurance cooperative
she desires to obtain meaningful health insurance coverage without the obscenely inefficient and heartless bureaucratic health machines. with her vision in place, we discuss strategies to invest a portion of her roth ira into a for-profit health insurance trust fund. gathering additional investors takes effort, but who does not want to obtain health insurance coverage and control the process?
her efforts will also pay a bonus by creating coverage opportunities for trust participants. her legacy will also have tax-free upside as well.
c) an urban garden based on community supported agriculture principles
her passionate idea about beginning an urban garden and establishing a community supported agriculture (csa) resonates well in our collective future. many nonprofit organizations, private businesses, and local restaurants have begun taking an interest in her idea. she joined up with several other friends and business allies, providing space, seed, and other critical inputs.
who does not want access to reliable, clean food and water? this investment will positively impact many, many unborn generations if built with sustainability in mind.
d) a local solar array
we have begun discussing an investment strategy that allocates roth ira proceeds into funding a local solar array. the local solar array will not only provide cost effective, reliable, and consistent energy to adjoining households; most importantly, the grid will also power local businesses, the urban garden, and the csa storefront.
who does not want to fund an electric utility and control its profits? she can also potentially create a vast source of tax-free funding for her pension and beneficiaries down the road.
conclusively, when you tie up emotional energy in a business enterprise, you may close off future options. the entrepreneurial oil producer client could have easily said no to expanding her investment footprint and impact. in fact, many do say no...as well as hell no and stick to just one plan.
however, when you can extricate emotions from your core enterprise, you have taken a step forward. you should not rely on one business line in perpetuity with no ownership changes. creating liquidity events amplifies your personal impact, your legacy, and your pension power.
few clients desire working on one project until death. taking into account humanity, clarity, and courage, we can embark as leaderless leaders and create a new destiny on our planet.
encourage a discussion with your tax and investment advisory team about some of these ideas. talk to you all soon and enjoy a meaningful day!
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