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...promoting, nurturing, and protecting human capital.

Friday, March 1, 2013

global plutocrats' path - not mine or my seeds

hello my old landlord.  we have talked at length about our nation's ails, and it appears that we share similar libertarian, laissez faire ideas.  america has inadvertently created a falsely meritocratic plutocracy that we supposedly escaped from feudal england.  we are unfortunately reverting back to those unequal roots.

corporate america rules this country, make no mistake about that, and the globe with a totalitarian iron fist.  obama is merely a puppet, as was george w., his father, clinton, and many before them.  our country's progress has slid backwards because it no longer values merit, freedom, or justice.  it only pays lip service to those ideals.

in this country, you can walk away with $200 million and destroy a company and more importantly human lives, but you cannot smoke marijuana in your own house legally in nearly all states; moreover, we imprison more people per capita than nearly all the other industrialized nations.  

our imperial government taxes the citizenry and commerce illegally and capriciously and wages ill-fated, protracted military campaigns aimed at eliminating "foreign problems" we created 100+ years ago.  those campaigns benefit a select few monetarily while maiming and killing quite a larger number.  who wins here?

have faith in our american ideals, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, not greed, which is the cancer that has infected our great country.  lest we not forget a meddling central government with its alphabet soup enforcement agencies.  our tax dollars only serve the (banking-military-agricultural-prison-petrochemical-bureaucratic)-industrial complex, not you or me, which truly is taxation without representation.  

we are going to be ruled by invalid children of the plutocrats, and history has shown where that line goes down.  plutocrats proclaim free trade but only socialize risk and privatize profits.  thomas piketty, an economist, feared, "...a small group of wealthy but untalented children will one day control vast segments of the us economy, and penniless, talented children won't be able to compete."  

that is not a future for blaine or my great-great-great grandchildren.  

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