mission statement

...promoting, nurturing, and protecting human capital.

Friday, March 1, 2013

our outdoor son

hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members.  social psychological rigidity and rules-based agricultural civilization have sapped our collective human ethos by focusing on specialized labor division and on patriarchal social hierarchy.   we have taken an interesting detour to say the least over the last 10,000 years, becoming self-absorbed, greedy, mindless, and just flat mean, in spite of our collective achievements.

a matriarchal path could have taken us elsewhere, and yes, it appears that we have begun entering a new era with untold wealth and prosperity.  hold on mankind and ruling patriarchs...steer our collision course away from mass extinction and towards a more time honed path...letting women control more of our society, and let them build our sons and daughters up well equally with men.

let us examine a hunter-gatherer society within the context of expanding our own personal consciousness and benefiting total human development within our current society.  most hunter-gatherer groups relied not just on male hunting adventures, and sometimes misadventures, but also a matriarchal system gathering food, making and spreading love, not unwarranted death and destruction.  prize lovemaking not blood-letting.

...we would probably not rely on just one or two feedstock commodities such as oil or corn to fuel our entire industrialized economy if we had more women in boardrooms and behind the wheel of companies.  telling me that we have to drive liquid oil drives my human capital towards developing a substitute good, such as liquid natural gas.  it can what do liquid oil does, and we do not have to directly or indirectly slaughter arabs or turks, all the while calling them savage muslims and reaping untold wealth for a select few while destroying the "masses" with inflation and systematic death.

liquid natural gas will take us to the next fuel source and beyond liquid oil.

our job as humans on planet earth and beyond focuses on creating bountiful subconscious energy and seeding incalculably beautiful future actions.  we must tap our inner human values and paradigms, effectively transcending the necrotic status quo with our collective mindset.  positive thought and language determine our course.  we will embrace it.

let us start out with our children, the seeds of our destiny.  our fast-paced world with fast food, made for tv fast movies, and hydrocarbon fast fuel and plastic has metastasized into a seemingly endless sea of painkillers and psychotropic narcotics.  we have grown away from each other and community solidarity with separate single-family dwellings ad nausea, propelled by developers and zoning boards acting on incoherent information and greed.  strip malls appear quickly like mushrooms after a strong rain, except the fact that more concrete displaces water drainage and smothers life.  evolution did not design mushrooms to break down cement, mostly organic carbon matter.

we have accelerated our lives so recklessly that we demand an alcohol, a tobacco, and a pharmaceutical technicolor pallor.  our imperial design and its warmongering culture prize assault rifles over children but shun shamans, natural medicine, and marijuana.  what?  why?  how come?

military-contractor corporate profits demand an illogical dialogue on the 2nd amendment, fueling the fanciful idea that your ar-15 assault rifle buys freedom.  yes, you do need protection against your own government, but a state militia system provides that protection, unlike an unaccountable, militarized federal system; unfortunately, we do not make our society any safer with a sea of machine guns created not by personal protection but greed.  you trade that off supposed freedom with our children's health and well-being.  just get a shotgun and call it day, or volunteer your time and talent to a state militia if you want to shoot a chaingun.

in light of syria, newtown, and other butcheries, let us examine some questions concerning our seeds' welfare:
  • why choose an assault rifle?  a shotgun will kill someone dead, or at least stop them from harming you.  you only need an assault rifle to take on invading armies.  take a deeper look at the 2nd amendment regarding the militia.  a well-trained militia would require assault rifles, but in that vein, we would not need a standing federal military with a properly designed and funded professional state militia system.  a state militia that could take on guerrilla forces, not just shoot at protesting university students or crush minor black rebellions, and provide international support.  the federal system should only own naval assets that support state militia soldiers and protect our global commercial interests.    
  • why make a big deal about violence in the news?  we should report violence but where does the line stop and become gratuitous?  showing the hijacked planes flying into the twin towers over and over became pornographic in light of such strong collective american disgust and nationalistic fervor; moreover, continually showing reel after reel of newtown, padukah, columbine, and other butcheries only subconsciously feeds the inner reptilian demons.  stop it!  people emulate tv death.  
  • why not listen to higher quality and more heartfelt music?  modern pop music remains mired in greed and its apparent lack of talent.  this decay transcends not just music but also television.  repetitive musical lyrics and beats do not stimulate your mind; as an example, look at the 200,000,000 youtube views for rihanna's half-ass "diamonds in the sky" versus 1,365 views for widowspeak's "perennials."  you tell me which music taps our true emotions as humans.  
  • why not eat a paleolithic or a mediterranean diet?  we have betrayed our bodies so deftly that we inundate our minds with weight loss programs throughout all forms of media while preying on natural human fears of supposed rejection.  processed food mayhem has taken our industrialized so far, far away with bulging bellies and bankrupt social services.  get back to basics, grow your own food, drink clean water, and yes, have some wine and smoke some herbs.  
  • why not become more an outdoor society?  my first son from my first wife exemplifies this desire.  his mother used to scold me for letting him play in the cold weather.  he loved the cold and its clean crispness, laughing as he put his bare hands in snow; unfortunately, she cannot kill his love of the outdoors.  blaine mendez will do well in life and into the next one if he stays connected to our environment and becomes our outdoor son.  
  • why do we have to explore outer space so madly?  we unfortunately have not made enough progress exploring our inner mental space or the oceans for that matter.  both environments comprise more immediate space than we truly believe.  do not let the aeronautical governmental bogeymen or military contractors tell you otherwise.  if we run out of room on the planet's surface, we can always go under the ice cap and live underwater.  leaving the planet remains a final ditch choice.  who knows, we may find spice or other methodologies under the sea that could accelerate space travel?  travelling without moving...remember that one when you put your car key in the ignition america...

we must learn how to boil the ocean with our fingertips and tap electricity from the sky.  refine our own possibilities, expand and push the envelope, destroy the status quo, create peaceful societies built on holistic wealth not paper, love our seeds, and create stories upon stories.

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