mission statement

...promoting, nurturing, and protecting human capital.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

my seattle business trip in early 2013

on the cusp of the new year, my reflective thought traces back to early 2013.  remember getting off a southwest airlines flight in seattle after talking with a congenial but chatty middle-aged woman.  our plane had "mechanical problems," which fortunately did not cause a flaming end down to the earth but catalyzed a couple of hours of engaged conversation.

during our mechanical down time in reno, she advised me on my pending divorce, talked about her own divorce, waxed ecstatic about her privileged childhood among the pines, wept over her father's mental health decline and eventual financial ruin, and harped on west texas oil plutocrats.  she thought that my appearance, demeanor, and mind would work well for microsoft.  she cooed, "you look like a microsoft guy."  did not really care to follow up with a clarification question, but nonetheless, she probably sized me up correctly.

my travel arrangements included staying with a friend who also recently got divorced and lives in north seattle with her son.  she could not pick me up from the airport since her little dood crashed out before my arduous and lengthy plane flight ended so tardily.  do not remember the time getting into her condo but found the key under the door, slipping it in as she instructed me.  walked around her flat for a few minutes and imagined her life here.  found my assigned bed and bathroom, washed up, and closed down my mind and eyes.

...the mountains, the local food markets, the ski slopes, and the waterways excited me.  it made me appreciate sampling a sumptuously socially-motivated, conscientious lifestyle while learning about the seattle business culture.  walked around pioneer square, had a drink in the merchant's cafe and saloon, and called on denali financial consulting to learn more about their financial gig.  you know, join forces!  glad my friend invited me up and instigated a business trip out of her suggestion.

created an amazing interview with brendan kennedy, a cannabis venture capitalist.  we met over at zoka coffee in the greenlake neighborhood.  he shared with me his background and his reasoning behind backing and funding medicinal marijuana businesses.  his privateer holdings company has invested in leaf fly, an algorithm that quantifies your optimal medically recommended strain combination as well as providing you with the most competitive local prices as well as coupons.  he apparently invested in groupon rather early and has mastered the sales channel.

enjoyed a pleasurable drive around the lake while driving slowly back to my friend's condo.  you can see the direct logic behind creating a new market in the already established marijuana industry.  the authorities can share in the growing revenue streams by stepping aside and stopping the "war on drugs [poor people]."  a tolerant, northwestern libertarian attitude fits our collective future.  we must build and capitalize on our available, renewable resources today and create a self-sustaining future by investing in our ourselves.

coming home from the seattle business trip, it appeared that my own human capital can improve by building on my professional core competencies:
  • hands-on corporate and solopreneur business management
  • scrappy and creative entrepreneur
  • personable and likable
  • focused on greater good
imagine a future living on a sloop houseboat with a fat cat, who loves canned seafood, and sailing through seattle up to bellingham back home in vancouver.  sleeping in a solid but comfortable sloop with boaters kicked off, a button down with a sweater, and khakis.  keeping a dedicated business space onshore in seattle while constantly living and working on my sloop.

...want to live the pacific coast...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

your own power grid

hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members.  you can create your own power grid and harness your own human capital.  seizing this moment will positively improve our collective energy, ethos, and love while boosting impact far, far beyond our lifespans.

catalyze change.  put your own self-interests aside and into context.  subjugate them for our collective success.  humanity deserves better.

money, power, and greed pollute our reality.  its pollution remains so egregious that you often wonder whether some design in the background creates intentional distortion and social chaos.  who knows?

comparing answers from a personal questioning session in 2008 to revised thoughts in 2013 revealed some interesting differences:

a) what are my natural talents?

2013 answer - teaching, public speaking
2008 answer - writing, thinking, feeling, forecasting

b) what do i want out of a career?

2013 answer - do not want a career for a career sake, want abundance and lack of worry
2008 answer - independence, creativity, quality of life, ambiguity, travel

c) how can i deliver it?

2013 answer - produce food, provide quality counseling and consultation, love
2008 answer - my own way [big tip and the source of my current quest], technology, support system

d) what do i think is worthwhile?

2013 answer - food, love, and community
2008 answer - learning

e) why do i want what i want?

2013 answer - enjoy sharing rewards with friends and family
2008 answer - n/a

...look within yourself...

Thursday, April 11, 2013

lessons learned from my lago vista business trip

hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members.  we all have learned important lessons throughout life; often times, we do not consciously understand the meaning instantaneously, and its truthful knowledge resurfaces many years later.  we also sometimes have immediate clarity.

taking a long weekend over to lago vista incidentally during sxsw 2013 revealed clear lessons, needing immediate deliberation and action to ensure success in my future austin launch and beyond into seattle and denver.  linking up the three nerve centers will remain key to professional enjoyment and personal development.

the following ideas require strategic deliberation and ruthless execution:

you never know enough about distance and time
my younger brother, morgan, came over thursday night before some scheduled meetings at 9:00am in austin and at 3:00pm in brenham.  the 9:00am fellow in austin works for a multinational medical device company, who called on my father in midland at his gynecological practice; subsequently after that appointment, the 3:00pm fellow in brenham concerned a client's real property undeveloped land listing.  both activities remained relatively important.

morgan came over.  we sticked it out tough and raided our parent's wine cabinet with gusto.  raiding the wine cabinet may sound trite in your mid-thirties, but no, trite poorly captures our fun.  we had a rad mobile awesome blast...

needless to say, we partied until 7:30am when the time came for me to find the coffee shop off west anderson lane in austin.  from the map, you should notice the subtle direction change on the map coming from us hwy 183.  my midland easy-driving social conditioning had allowed me to keep large margins of error with easy commuting times and short distances; ufortunately, the margin of error from lago vista into austin remained incredibly tight even before factoring in that west anderson lane quirk...much less my slightly altered mind.

my exit came off east anderson lane, and only one time, my entry shot me off too far north.  by the time that the car got "rightsighted," our appointment time had come and gone, too late.  missed the appointment and had to email my contact my with normal regrets.  unqualified the contact after getting back to lago vista due to my pure embarrassment; also, went to bed.

mostly, partying until your appointment overnight all night wears down on you; however, we could have made the appointment had my preparatory awareness knew that my sober awareness could not find the location, especially before jamming with the sticker zombie wine cabinet raider.  anecdotal evidence from my friends and family indicated that most people miss that spot anyway.

planning my days more efficiently remains critical.  distance remains a challenge in the austin metro area, especially leaving lago vista off the north shore of lake travis.  time remains an under-optimized but super important currency that dictates success or failure in new markets with even thinner margins of error than a native market.

we cannot get away with cutting time too short or keeping small margins or error.  atrocious traffic swamped me with an marginally aware mental directional compass going down a path unknown.

recommended distance and time management tips for my professional efforts:

print out a detailed directional map and practice your route

drive a hybrid vehicle that does not consume excess fuel when searching out new routes  

tailor your service offering tighter in a larger market to take advantage of a larger market

become an efficient middle market player

tap the tremendous value in nature

our family lago vista home rests on a hillside that runs down to a perennially dry creek bed.  a strong oak thicket protects the home property against not only wind but noise and intruding eyes.  our family derives tremendous strength, wisdom, and protection among oak thickets, song birds, and sunshine.

my lago vista trip revealed much love with nature, and my eyes spied 10 different song bird species.  they chirped and flew around, gobbling up buggies with gusto!  our cats would love them, but our cats would barely nudge the apex position here, making way for coyotes.

we must fight to protect our environmental sanctuaries.  the balcones canyonlands national wildlife refuge rests against lago vista and farm to market 1431 to marble falls.  our multi-varied song bird species live within the refuge and provide our family home with comfort and enjoyment.  the birds remain sacrosanct, and our land and its inhabitants we will defend it judiciously but rapaciously.

implement a circular economic system that shatters a linear consumption cycle.  produce, consume, and waste not only kills song birds but also kills your seeds and you.  why not produce, consume, and recycle?  reiterate after that point.

practice meditation on back porch

after taking a long hot and cold shower in the late morning, my clean body laid the groundwork for cleansing my mind and spirit.  a cleansing soul meditation regimen with zero mental distractions has consistently calmed my nerves and soothed my racing mind.  racing thoughts often overwhelm my mental well-being and create stress with impulsive reactions and negative consequences.

my yoga instructor, rebecca speight, always talks about keeping your lips closed but not closed as well as your eyes shut but open.  slanted eyes peering through lashes revealed ghostly images tracing around the yard.  the images and beings did not cause fear or trepidation.  they came into this reality to help me purify, strengthen, and cleanse my heart.  my empty mind let them come and go without much fuss...

learn yourself through your spine and connect with your self that transcends this ego driven reality.

...enjoy a meaningful day!

Friday, March 1, 2013

global plutocrats' path - not mine or my seeds

hello my old landlord.  we have talked at length about our nation's ails, and it appears that we share similar libertarian, laissez faire ideas.  america has inadvertently created a falsely meritocratic plutocracy that we supposedly escaped from feudal england.  we are unfortunately reverting back to those unequal roots.

corporate america rules this country, make no mistake about that, and the globe with a totalitarian iron fist.  obama is merely a puppet, as was george w., his father, clinton, and many before them.  our country's progress has slid backwards because it no longer values merit, freedom, or justice.  it only pays lip service to those ideals.

in this country, you can walk away with $200 million and destroy a company and more importantly human lives, but you cannot smoke marijuana in your own house legally in nearly all states; moreover, we imprison more people per capita than nearly all the other industrialized nations.  

our imperial government taxes the citizenry and commerce illegally and capriciously and wages ill-fated, protracted military campaigns aimed at eliminating "foreign problems" we created 100+ years ago.  those campaigns benefit a select few monetarily while maiming and killing quite a larger number.  who wins here?

have faith in our american ideals, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, not greed, which is the cancer that has infected our great country.  lest we not forget a meddling central government with its alphabet soup enforcement agencies.  our tax dollars only serve the (banking-military-agricultural-prison-petrochemical-bureaucratic)-industrial complex, not you or me, which truly is taxation without representation.  

we are going to be ruled by invalid children of the plutocrats, and history has shown where that line goes down.  plutocrats proclaim free trade but only socialize risk and privatize profits.  thomas piketty, an economist, feared, "...a small group of wealthy but untalented children will one day control vast segments of the us economy, and penniless, talented children won't be able to compete."  

that is not a future for blaine or my great-great-great grandchildren.  

our outdoor son

hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members.  social psychological rigidity and rules-based agricultural civilization have sapped our collective human ethos by focusing on specialized labor division and on patriarchal social hierarchy.   we have taken an interesting detour to say the least over the last 10,000 years, becoming self-absorbed, greedy, mindless, and just flat mean, in spite of our collective achievements.

a matriarchal path could have taken us elsewhere, and yes, it appears that we have begun entering a new era with untold wealth and prosperity.  hold on mankind and ruling patriarchs...steer our collision course away from mass extinction and towards a more time honed path...letting women control more of our society, and let them build our sons and daughters up well equally with men.

let us examine a hunter-gatherer society within the context of expanding our own personal consciousness and benefiting total human development within our current society.  most hunter-gatherer groups relied not just on male hunting adventures, and sometimes misadventures, but also a matriarchal system gathering food, making and spreading love, not unwarranted death and destruction.  prize lovemaking not blood-letting.

...we would probably not rely on just one or two feedstock commodities such as oil or corn to fuel our entire industrialized economy if we had more women in boardrooms and behind the wheel of companies.  telling me that we have to drive liquid oil drives my human capital towards developing a substitute good, such as liquid natural gas.  it can what do liquid oil does, and we do not have to directly or indirectly slaughter arabs or turks, all the while calling them savage muslims and reaping untold wealth for a select few while destroying the "masses" with inflation and systematic death.

liquid natural gas will take us to the next fuel source and beyond liquid oil.

our job as humans on planet earth and beyond focuses on creating bountiful subconscious energy and seeding incalculably beautiful future actions.  we must tap our inner human values and paradigms, effectively transcending the necrotic status quo with our collective mindset.  positive thought and language determine our course.  we will embrace it.

let us start out with our children, the seeds of our destiny.  our fast-paced world with fast food, made for tv fast movies, and hydrocarbon fast fuel and plastic has metastasized into a seemingly endless sea of painkillers and psychotropic narcotics.  we have grown away from each other and community solidarity with separate single-family dwellings ad nausea, propelled by developers and zoning boards acting on incoherent information and greed.  strip malls appear quickly like mushrooms after a strong rain, except the fact that more concrete displaces water drainage and smothers life.  evolution did not design mushrooms to break down cement, mostly organic carbon matter.

we have accelerated our lives so recklessly that we demand an alcohol, a tobacco, and a pharmaceutical technicolor pallor.  our imperial design and its warmongering culture prize assault rifles over children but shun shamans, natural medicine, and marijuana.  what?  why?  how come?

military-contractor corporate profits demand an illogical dialogue on the 2nd amendment, fueling the fanciful idea that your ar-15 assault rifle buys freedom.  yes, you do need protection against your own government, but a state militia system provides that protection, unlike an unaccountable, militarized federal system; unfortunately, we do not make our society any safer with a sea of machine guns created not by personal protection but greed.  you trade that off supposed freedom with our children's health and well-being.  just get a shotgun and call it day, or volunteer your time and talent to a state militia if you want to shoot a chaingun.

in light of syria, newtown, and other butcheries, let us examine some questions concerning our seeds' welfare:
  • why choose an assault rifle?  a shotgun will kill someone dead, or at least stop them from harming you.  you only need an assault rifle to take on invading armies.  take a deeper look at the 2nd amendment regarding the militia.  a well-trained militia would require assault rifles, but in that vein, we would not need a standing federal military with a properly designed and funded professional state militia system.  a state militia that could take on guerrilla forces, not just shoot at protesting university students or crush minor black rebellions, and provide international support.  the federal system should only own naval assets that support state militia soldiers and protect our global commercial interests.    
  • why make a big deal about violence in the news?  we should report violence but where does the line stop and become gratuitous?  showing the hijacked planes flying into the twin towers over and over became pornographic in light of such strong collective american disgust and nationalistic fervor; moreover, continually showing reel after reel of newtown, padukah, columbine, and other butcheries only subconsciously feeds the inner reptilian demons.  stop it!  people emulate tv death.  
  • why not listen to higher quality and more heartfelt music?  modern pop music remains mired in greed and its apparent lack of talent.  this decay transcends not just music but also television.  repetitive musical lyrics and beats do not stimulate your mind; as an example, look at the 200,000,000 youtube views for rihanna's half-ass "diamonds in the sky" versus 1,365 views for widowspeak's "perennials."  you tell me which music taps our true emotions as humans.  
  • why not eat a paleolithic or a mediterranean diet?  we have betrayed our bodies so deftly that we inundate our minds with weight loss programs throughout all forms of media while preying on natural human fears of supposed rejection.  processed food mayhem has taken our industrialized so far, far away with bulging bellies and bankrupt social services.  get back to basics, grow your own food, drink clean water, and yes, have some wine and smoke some herbs.  
  • why not become more an outdoor society?  my first son from my first wife exemplifies this desire.  his mother used to scold me for letting him play in the cold weather.  he loved the cold and its clean crispness, laughing as he put his bare hands in snow; unfortunately, she cannot kill his love of the outdoors.  blaine mendez will do well in life and into the next one if he stays connected to our environment and becomes our outdoor son.  
  • why do we have to explore outer space so madly?  we unfortunately have not made enough progress exploring our inner mental space or the oceans for that matter.  both environments comprise more immediate space than we truly believe.  do not let the aeronautical governmental bogeymen or military contractors tell you otherwise.  if we run out of room on the planet's surface, we can always go under the ice cap and live underwater.  leaving the planet remains a final ditch choice.  who knows, we may find spice or other methodologies under the sea that could accelerate space travel?  travelling without moving...remember that one when you put your car key in the ignition america...

we must learn how to boil the ocean with our fingertips and tap electricity from the sky.  refine our own possibilities, expand and push the envelope, destroy the status quo, create peaceful societies built on holistic wealth not paper, love our seeds, and create stories upon stories.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

to my overseas readers...

hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members.  watching my blog activity spread across the eurasian super continent remains one of the most fascinating business experiences.  you could see growth in germany, russia, and ukraine, which led to views from israel, taiwan, malaysia, indonesia, and even china.

we reviewed the statistics all the way back to november 2010 when we switched our revenue model to a more client-centric concierge experience based on retainer fees.  that profound change happened in 2011.  retainer fees make sense with our sensible clients, providing mutual acceptance.

the united states remains my bread and butter, but looking at your respective area, in germany, taiwan, or switzerland, on the world map stirs unknown energy within me.  we will meet soon...

thank you for your readership.  enjoy a blissfully engaging and meaningful day tomorrow!

Friday, January 11, 2013

humanity + clarity + courage

hello clients, prospective clients, and business alliance members.  do you actually own human capital?  how do you dutifully manage human capital in light of a perceived ownership stake?  who gave you unfettered economic, social, and political ownership over another person's life direction, dreams, and aspirations?

we have reached a profound shift within the fabric of our collective subconsciousness.  the mind below the surface within the nonlocal will begin influencing society beyond known scope.  a new society will sprout from our old society's necrotic toxic soup of souls.

mortar shells and drone missiles will no longer consume 2 year old intestines.  torture guards will no longer dissolve fictitious terrorists in battery acid.  corporations will no longer veil metastasized greed with high fructose corn syrup, gps tracking, or radioactive tobacco.

...listen to this song dubbed at infinitely separate 60 second increments...wild wild my friends..

a good friend of mine named john gabryel moreno, do, exemplified a true example of our collective future.  during raging cancerous illness, he complimented me on my wife and son as well as owning my own business, even after insulting his socioeconomic class in high school in a blind, psychologically intoxicated rage.  he did not know that my own business has its own uncomfortable financial debts, and he never lived to see kelly and me divorce over our own differences.

truth told, he far outpaced me in this conscious world up to his life's end.  he became a physician excelling in his residency by the age of 33.  you did well in this reality and into beyond john!

dropping old emotions off the bridge, we bonded during his death ceremony and discussed healing prayers said in my episcopal sanctuary.  felt a transcendentally warm energy flow coursing through my circulatory system while intently praying for his healing.  he thanked me, truly knowing that he absorbed my energy, and we made peace.  the kind of peace that passes all earthly understanding.

...he left this consciousness several months later.

did he really leave us as people dogmatically assume?  where did his soul energy go?  will it touch my great-great-great grandchildren's lives?  will he meet zoroaster, abraham, vedic scribes, jesus, and/or muhammad among the stars?  will he become a little girl or a dolphin born moments after his own body's death?  his energy is alive but unfortunately unaccounted for in our narrow way of examining the unknown.

john never left our universe.  you touched me with your energy and have begun awakening the gentler, more patient me.  that challenge will take much work my friend, but you proved it can happen under even the most pernicious and painful period in your life.

he transcended this current reality but has not left our collective subconsciousness.  no, not at all, his soul energy will continue to improve our own energy.  much like the young syrian 2yr old taken away by raining syrian artillery death, he will improve our substance if we listen to his energy.

we must forgive our fratricide and make this a much more peaceful world, into this life and into all the other lives.  the little syrian toddler's story will remain with me forever.

you can become an architect of your own life.  we must know how to not only reap but also how to sow, and yes, you can create profit in a non-zero sum game environment.  dog eat dog died with the industrial age and does not deserve its worshiped status within the information age mindset.

tribe walkers fund and absorb talent while creating centers of learning.  responsible, creative, and innovative minds not only believe in human capital but support it with investment dollars.

we have structural unemployment without spending investment dollars on human capital.  investing too heavily in resource and financial capital crushes the collective human ethos.  reallocate your investment into your own human capital potential.

ancient chinese wise men mull whether if you believe for one day and doubt for ten, or if you are diligent in the mornings and not at night, will you eventually veer from gradual development planting quality habits?  what habits do you define as quality?  how do you ascertain quality?  why seek quality?  who will pursue and perfect quality?

...setting up quality habits will remain a challenge.

send forth cleanliness in your soul energy.  improve your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren's souls with pure goodness that transcends consciousness.  your thoughts, language, energy, spirit, and mind always interact and participate in the universe's future reality.

implement the following concepts in your world to alter our collective future reality:

  • create consumer free choice with open borders and geographically gnostic trade.  open borders facilitate trade and prosperity.  why do we usurp economic freedom with mercantilist barriers?  
  • renounce greed and material wealth; as an example, your average large corporation executive in the 1950's usually made less than 50x's the managed employees.  please add at least one to two zeros on the old example and push it out as far as you can to another zero.  making 9,000 times your average managed employee supports criminal plutocratic interests. 
  • warm up inter-tribal unit relations.  we cannot get much done with a democrat vs. republican or israeli vs. palestinian or persians vs. kurds mindset.  collective annihilation remains a turn off for my unborn great-great grandchildren and uproductive for us all.
  • practice tolerance.  we do not have to elaborate more on this subject since tolerance requires acceptance and human love; however, both remain scarce in today's psychological wasteland.  you have to practice what you should preach about brotherly love, and it takes considerable work.  work that only you can accomplish supported by a cooperative, loving environment.  
  • awaken your medieval belief in magic.  take note, you do not have to burn women alive or disfigure anyone.  science + magic + religion = transcendence.  just ask the abbot trithemius of sponheim.  carrying messages instantaneously...through the agency of the stars and planets who rule time.
  • demand a gentler, much more personal environment.   loud noises, heavy industry, pollution, sterile food, water scarcity, and paramilitary police degrade human life.  why not tap common walking areas with mixed usage living and working space, common parks, light rail, plentiful and clean water, simple technology, and food cooperatives?  health + ambiance = wealth.  
  • draw from the ancients.  we can remain light on our earth.  develop paddle wheels and implement mixed usage space that catches and collects water.  
  • develop a home-schooling cooperative with a foundation in intellectual, artistic, athletic, and emotional development.  schooling has become a tool for plutocrats and fascists and has quite frankly become dangerous.  just ask people in pakistan and in connecticut.  we must teach kids how to think on their own and love learning through personal enrichment.  
  • learn yourself through your spine.  channel your chakras, open your heart, and let the universe fill you with unspeakably beautiful energy.  tap into the nonlocal and mystical.
  • institute a healthcare cooperative with community gardens, water collection, a food coop, meditation sanctuaries, preventative medical care, and naturopathic medicine.  we can improve our quality of life without overly focusing on pharmaceutical or robotic surgical mastery.  
  • channel positive energy towards your clients and think good thoughts about them.  pouring your energy into your work will improve your emotional environment.  
...get started friends...let me know how it goes and enjoy my tweets.